muslim suspended for wearing veil

That is always going to be the question. But I think we all know the difference between a culture based on specific mores, values, religions, ethics, etc and a subculture based solely on the expression of a political ideology.

It's very easy to go to the extremes, moosey. "OOh, bad Nazis! If we validate someone wearing a veil, we have to validate the guy who wants to wear a Nazi symbol". We all know that's the slippery slope, and presents a very easy argument to invalidate someone's religious rights to prevent every lunatic from demanding the same rights.

This is a harder situation. This person believes, as many Arab women do, that the veil is a cultural and religious symbol. The airline clerk feels very strongly about her crucifix. I just don't understand the idea that the world has to be a place where the expression of legitimate religious values is condemned. We're not saying "don't preach at work", we're telling people they cannot express their identities. I have issues with that.
have you walked around soho before? off topic i am homophobic to an extent and watchin two guys together really freak me out (in a bad way!)

im sure if a size 16 teacher wore size 12 clothes to school she would be warned if students complained
Don't worry give it a decade or two and it will be normal. We have only just come out of the dark ages as far as homosexuality is concerned
I find it disgusing in G.A.Y. all those gay men kissing, can't they find their own club
quite hard for me.. im in china town everyweek and my friend works in a japanese restaurant in soho where i eat.
The you have to deal with it, much like I have to deal with the regular and sickening sight of men kissing women. The media, people in real life.. I just can't escape the disgusting feeling that come with seeing men and women kiss. I wish they would just stop, already and keep it in their bedrooms!

Can we get back to the topic at hand now?

but yea back to the matter... the whole situation is going to open the floodgate.. prepare to see many more cases like these.
I don't see anyone bashing muslims, just one woman who chose to make an issue of her supposed religious values above her duty for educating the children in her care.
I don't know why proposing a wider discussion over your "pull yourself together", "you need pyschiatric help" solution, is rubbish. All I'm doing is questioning (not necesarrily disagreeing with) you on two assumptions:

1) The assumption that it is no one elses business.

2) The assumption that positive reactions to cultural differences is the correct reaction. It is right. It is good. That reacting or regarding someone differently because they are different to you is wrong, is bad.

My thoughts behind assumption number 1)

Personally, I don't think society is free for any individual to do what it likes. There are inherent mechanisms in the people that make up a society that prevent this. I certainly see what you're saying. As an individual, I wouldn't tolerate anyone telling me that I can't wear my "Sniff Glue Worship Satan" hoodie, but I can't assume that it should be accepted by everyone, everywhere I go because I have a right to wear it. People are going to feel negatively about my hoodie, and that's that. I think freedom of speech is an utopian (unattainable) ideal, rather than the ultimate answer. We may have a society based on free speech, but it is not a natural (human) law, and society is subject to natural law.

My thoughts behind assumption number 2)

You know, if I walked into a pub, and everyone in there is on the Rugby team, or Asian, or speaking French, I'd feel out of place, threatened, excluded, especially if I felt that this was in an area that I felt "belonged" to me. (It's a lot like feeling like a stranger in your own home). I don't think that is because I am a raging racist. I think it's part of human nature to feel comfortable with that which we know, and fear what we don't. It's not something that is going to go away. So how do you handle the complexities? Force homogenised space? Force integrated space? As I said before, this is part of a wider issue concerning multi-culturalism, and I don't think there's an ideal solution to the problems it presents.

I'm not trying to express a racist view, or being pedantic or impratical. I'm just questioning why it is assumed that all people should not have a problem with cultural difference and be considered racist, or wrong enough to be considered for psychiatric help.