MTU with Verizon wireless and xbox live?


May 14, 2008
Try going from verizon wireless to a router to the xbox.
If you are using some type of bridged device the issue is really weird and crazy and has to do with verizon thinking you are trying to "steal" an IP.

I am not sure how verizon works but you may be on a local IP network in which case no matter what you do, it won't ever work. Apt complex have this issue alot, so does college dorms.

On your computer what IP do you get when you are hooked up with verizon wireless?
If it is a local IP type?

Then yeah, that is the problem
ok so i went on my xbox and i couldn't log on to xbox live so i tested connection and it said that my MTU was not good so i went on and changed my MTU to 1364 which is the requirement needed so i went back on xbox and tested connection and it said the same thing so i don't know what to do can anyone help and i have a verizon wireless modem/routor its 2 in 1 their put together