Mountain Dew FTW?

To usafpilot90 - Man your fridge is like 80% soda. You might want to work on that.

This thread reminds me of that Family Guy where peter pretends to be a redneck and he starts watching Cosmos edited for rednecks.,738,n,n

"Mountain Dew is the best soda ever made!" I lol every time.
Are you crazy? Baja Blast is the bastard child of Mountain Dew that everyone shuns.
you my man, have the right idea. mountain ftmfw. its personally my favorite soda. along with code red and livewire. both delicious. one of my really close friends dad flies a helicopter sponsored by them. when they came out with those new flavors, me being in the 5th grade at the time, he would sell them to all the kids at school. but i got them for free.