Moto Q smartphone and Yahoo Messenger?



I have the Moto Q smartphone and mostly use yahoo messenger (YM) for IM'ing. I can't seem to get YM to work on my MotoQ. It keeps telling me I can't download it as I need to have windows mobile 6.0 and my phone comes with mobile 5.0. Have tried the web version too and it doesn't work either. Have looked at Agile Messenger, but it really isn't cost effective as I only use YM. Any ideas as to how I can resolve this? And also...has anyone else used the Agile platform with this phone and YM and liked it? Is there any way to get IE Mobile 6.0 on this phone?

Thank you for your time!
no way to resolve it. i tried the agile platform didnt like it at all. and i dont think there is a way to get 6.0 i tried but could get it to download.