Morrissey now a racist...

yep, and if you take time to carefully read my posts i address this issue.

People are racist, lots of people. It's a fact in any society.

I see from your profile, you have some very good personal interests, religion, language ect, you are obviously very well cultured and understand lots of issues.

However lots of people are not, that is a big problem.

I could argue Ckava, from reading your posts that you are bias against english people who what to remain like they are. I could claim you are racist but i know better than that.



Morrissey, your hero. HAHAHAHAHA... (continue for infinity).
Sulinda i really dont think that Morrissey is racist.

I could be wrong, who really knows.

Hs is just expressing concern at changes to the place where he grew up, where he forged his identity as a person.
I know, I'm just a bit surprised!

And shut it Chimp, at least my hero isn't H from Steps like yours is
Yeh the BNP cause a lot of problems for the honest English man who wishes to show any kind of national pride.

The way the Union Jack has been stolen by the BNP is awful. Even now, when i see a union jack outside a house think, i wonder if there a family of racists.
Agreed. Another case of the minority causing problems for the majority.

I think the problem lies with Englands history, the legacy of the Empire etc. it's difficult to take pride in things one shouldn't be proud of.
True - it's difficult when you're more proud of where your roots lie than of the country you were born and raised in!

But on the other hand, should you really be ashamed of things were done long before you were even born?

We should really try to be proud of the country we live in NOW - regardless of it's past. But that's difficult if you feel like the country is going to the dogs!
It's a tough one alright. I was born in Denmark, raised in England and my roots are Indian. If anything, I'm proud of my roots as an Indian, miss England when I'm abroad and forget most of the time that my birth certificate is Danish!

Not at all. It's not about feeling guilt for deeds that were committed by our forefathers, more about finding something to be proud about on balance. Again, I guess it's easier for the "oppressed" to have a sense of pride and dignity - or to need one, than the so-called "oppressors".

I think the whole allegiance to a country thing is ridiculous and breeds narrow-mindedness. If anything I feel lucky that I'm able to spread my pride around a bit.
I think there should be a difference between been proud of your country and swearing blind allegiance to it.

Your country is a part of your history in your life so far, the fabric of its land, society, people within, establishments around you...they are all things that you grow up with, learn from and are what shape a part of who you are. Its a big part of your identity, whether you like it or not.

It's also been important in getting you to where you are today, true most of us have immigrant relatives at some stage in history, but those immigrant people came together to form the England that i live in today, that i grew up in yesterday.

But things change, and i guess that is the way this island is heading and that’s just the way it goes here now.

I really do not see a positive outcome for the UK at the present. Not just because of immigration, to me that is only a small part of the scale adding to social breakdown. But it's still a problem, another to add to the mix.

Having said that, i find it slightly difficult to see a really positive outcome for the whole planet at present!

Were doomed!!
I feel like we should all be slowly walking towards a camera, looking into the distance as a different camera slowly pans around us with the sun glinting in the background Michael Bay style...
Though to argue that you would have to show how the 'English who want to remain like they are' constitute a race and I think you'd be hard pressed to do that .
lol... well if I make that claim make sure and slap me with my own quote until then...
You may not have quoted it in as many words but that’s what you are implying towards me and you know it, right from your first response in my other thread.

I just think you hide behind it like alot of other people who are afraid to say what they think.
There has been loads of Controversy before about Stephen Patrick Morrissey's views on national Identity going back to the early 90s and his exploitation of Skinhead imagery. add to this he has an alledged history of being a user to his boyfriends and I get the impression he is not really a very nice person.
No denying, Morrissey is a morbid strange person. He could quite possibly be racist.

I bet most people in the Caleb world aren’t what they come across as. I bet a huge number of them are racist or prejudice in one form or another. The world isnt a heavenly blanket.

But the fact is anyone who expresses the feelings he has is labeled a racist by many people regardless.
actually, you did hint i was racially predjudice to immigrants, right in the first part of your first reply!

"Hiroji... I disagree almost entirely with your views. I don't believe that all those wanting strict immigration laws and who have national pride are xenophobic BNP supporters however I think several of your points display a clear racial prejudice"

There you go.