Monty Python "Every Sperm is Sacred" to what extent? - Oct 02,2012


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Mar 4, 2009
Its not just a Catholic question, its the elephant in the room of every pro-life group. Is the pill OK? is the morning after pill OK? Is it ok to wear a condom? Ok to spill it? To what extent is the sperm sacred? Love how comedy can expose real topics not discussed or the elephant in the room no one will talk about. Its time I defined my pro-life postion. Lets discuss Monty Python humor and how diff Americans are towards same thing. I think Im going to play it at the next pro-life meeting in Texas. What do you think? lol I agree, but to what extent do they agree with me... If you know my story you know Im in the "pro-life movement" (I mean they actually listen to me) I always say their hypocrites cause all life is precious, even those at war, etc. we are killing. But this would be a new concept theyve never had to really face up to. I think bc is OK cause sperm never reaches the egg. But most dont agree with me. This would be hilarious to put on the big screen!? "Let the heathens spill theirs on the dusty ground, God will punish them for each sperm that cant be found. Every sperm is sacred, every sperm is great. If a sperm is wasted God gets quite irate." In an attempt to take a stand against Republican bill that would ban abortions in Oklahoma, State Senator Constance Johnson is trying to make “pulling out” illegal. “Any action in which a man ejaculates or otherwise deposits semen anywhere but in a woman's vagina shall be interpreted and construed as an action against an unborn child,” Johnson stated in a handwritten amendment to Oklahoma senate bill 1433. She admits that her proposal is meant to “draw humorous attention to the hypocrisy and inconsistency.”Pro life | abortion | Children | Free Market | The Ethics of Liberty
