Monsters - a right to life?

Thats more evidence of crap Venezuelan paramedics rather than zombies.. but nice try..
I think you need to get out and get laid more...

Anyway, each should be taken according to its personality; I don't think any of these creatures are inherently evil, just as mortals are not inherently good. Or slayers
Dude, thats quite a dry spell.. It really shouldn't be that difficult to get laid...

As long as you're out there giving it a good shot eventually you'll get lucky. If you're going 2 months without getting any you're either not really trying or very very picky.
All monsters should be sent on a med cruise holiday, a hiking trip, given hand outs, sent away to a special school with special treatment and given triangle sandwiches to help them get over any problems they have.
I have to respectfully disagree with the handing out of triangle sandwiches to monsters. As anybody who has ever eaten a triangle sandwich knows, they go hard rather quickly and could be used as weapons. Furthermore, in the hands of a monster trained in the martial arts, these innocent looking sandwiches could easily be transformed into DEADLY SHURIKENS!

Please do not feed monsters triangle sandwiches.
Well then we could give them rolls or maybe baps even and dare them to spend the night in a haunted house. See how they like it!
Actually depending on your definition of a zombie, they do exist!
If a zombie is someone whom is pronounced clinically dead, only to "rise from the grave" then that HAS happened. It has been documented in some Voodoo cases, although, they are not like the movie zombies where they crave brains etc.

In Haiti, zombification is a punishment for severe crimes. Coupe poudre is the powder used by a bokur to induce zombification. The active ingredient of coupe poudre is tetradotoxin (TTX), produced in the liver and ovaries of some species of puffer fish (e.g. Fugu rubripes). TTX is a neurotoxin 500 times more potent than cyanide. It acts by blocking the sodium ion channels which enable nerve and heart cells to produce electrical impulses. In miniscule doses TTX causes a near-death state in which metabolic functions are depressed, so that breathing and pulse rate are undetectable. Total paralysis follows, although the brain and senses remain intact. The victim is thought to be dead and is buried alive.

A few days after being buried, the 'zombie' is disinterred and given another powder containing atropine and scopolamine. These are toxic and hallucinogenic compounds from the plants Datura metel and Datura stramonium (both known as the 'zombie cucumber'). This powder, when administered, puts the victim into a permanent state of delirium and disorientation in which they experience delusions and hallucinations. He or she can then be made to do menial work for those against which the crime was committed.

There have been cases in Haiti where people have awoken after taking this and not knowing who they are, where they are from and having total amnesia. So in this sense they are "zombies".
Chimp. Why why did you have to bring in vampires into the debate? You know I don't like those pointy sharp fangs. Like needles. Ugh! :S *faints* Well thankgoodness they are fictional >.>
In my Old English literature class we read Beowulf, and we were looking at some words used in the poem which might have different meanings. Monsters we identifyed as somethings who are "evil" Grendel who comes at night to Mead halls and eat people, who specifically hates humans.

Beings like dragons who in western civilizations are thought evil, aren't really for the fact that they only go on killing rampages when their disturbed, or their treasure is jacked other words provoked.

SO Monsters should be sought out and killed, Not beings who are "demonic, evil, bad, ugly" looking, whom aren't really evil and shouldn't be eradicated.

BUT maybe Monsters aren't really evil, maybe we're the evil ones and their trying to kill us off
Haha yes well, I heard that with interest rates set for yet another rate rise by the end of the year, consumer spending expected to dip as a response, introduction of a new draft limiting the foreign imports and an increase in tariffs for those that do manage to come in, a forecasted 1.14% drop in overseas investor confidence for the first quarter for FY2008 and the commodities indexes set to drop which has a direct correlation with he protracted war in Iraq, I'd say that that happy quaint notion will never see the light of day...but I applaud your ideas.

I know nothing about finance so I thought I'd try to squeeze in as many finance terms as I could
Nah, That shouldn't stop anything... You just have to set your standards at the right level..

I mean..

Look at me
Tis, true.

Yet despite my hideousness, (and prior to having a long term girlfriend) I was getting laid reasonably regularly, with relatively attractive young women.

So what's your excuse Chimp?
I've been too busy saving lives by working on an assay which can detect key genes which are switched on and/or off in patients with bladder cancer. Similarly, I have been working up to 20 hours a day (I get paid for 7.5hrs) on circulating tumour cells (CTCs) whereby cancer cells break off from the main body of the tumour, enter the circulation, settle elsewhere and metastasise...

All work and no play...