Michelle Bersell Your Allies - Host, Daya Devi-Doolin - Sep 20,2012


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Mar 4, 2009
Turn Your Negative Feelings Into Your Greatest Allies What if rather than seeing your negative feelings as a hinderance, you were able to see them as a gift? Right now, the vast majority view negative feelings such as anger, anxiety and guilt as emotional blocks preventing them from creating the joy and fulfillment they crave. You've seen the studies, negative feelings are the cause of greater stress, physical disease and unhappiness. The leading conclusion is that we therefore must do our best to get rid of, release and free ourselves from negative emotions before they too much damage. This is how we understand our feelings in the emotional stone-ages. Now there is a radically new way to understand how we feel. A way for women in particular to reclaim a part of themselves that has been shamed and considered weak and recognize our negative emotions as one of our greatest gifts. Psychotherapist and award winning author Michelle Bersell can show your audience how to turn their negative feelings into their greatest allies in four simple steps. Michelle Bersell, M.A., M.Ed., is known as a visionary leader who challenges common thought and understanding regarding emotional well-being. Besides media attention in Women's World magazine, Parents magazine and Fox Television, Michelle has also received national recognition as one of the “50 Great Authors You Should be Reading” for her first book Emotional Abundance: Become Empowered. Michelle's new book F.E.E.L.: Feel Every Emotion as Love -Turn Your Negative Feelings Into Your Greatest Allies will be released Sept 11, 2012, with the intention to create a deeper shift in consciousness from fear to love.feelings | allies | consciousness | empowering | author
