Meanest thing you have ever said

I really hope you read a few pages back... you're the most hated person in this thread. He didn't get what he deserved, you're just a fat asshole. :xeyed:
my thoughts exactly, but i got shit on up in the thread cause the dudes crippled, its still fucking nasty. I don't care, crutches or not, i dont want to see you and your ugly bitch making out. The puke should have thought twice, the chocolate milk over his head made sure he got the point.

oh dang, the internets don't like me!
getting people riled up on the nation is amusing

One of our teachers who I didn't particularly like was being all dramatic, she was in a car accident apparently, someone rear ended her, no one was hurt. Shes going ON AND ON about how it traumatized her and how its hard for her to even THINK about getting back behind the wheel. I'm sitting there smirking, and she asked what i thought was so funny. I told her to quit whining, i had crashed more than one motorcycle, sustained injuries, and jumped back on it and drove home, and i had the scars to prove it. I think i got kicked out of class.
not a mean person at all, but I can remember pointing out this chick's dimple in her thigh and telling her that there are two places that dimples are cute, she wasn't too happy
This happened last week in science class:
We just started our yearly Sex-Ed section of the class and the video had the outline and internal view of a penis, scrotum, etc.

Girl: That penis looks really small.

everyone started laughing (those who heard me) and she just got pissed and stared me down for a good while and ended up crying later in the hallway.

btw, compared to everyone else, how big is the penis on the sex-ed thing. big, small, average?
ok the worst i have ever said was to a bunch of blacks in a car and i said. what r u guys gonna do have another backyard bbq
i always call this dude named redman a ginger because he is... i guess it finally got to him cuz randomly i said it and he was like omg stfu nUb your obesly fat and have uncontrolable acne. i was all like do0od?
i congratulate you for being able to confront gingers. They scare me too much, i have to get away from them.
Some of the most fucked up things that have ever come out of my mouth I can't really call mean because they've been all in good fun among friends.

I have this long running thing with a couple buddies of mine that's basically just talking shit back and forth about eachothers family, it gets pretty outrageous.


"Yeah dude, I banged the shit out of your mother last night, but I was nice enough to allow your dad to watch, It turns me on when he watches, though when his crying got out of hand I had to put him outside" (extra twisted because this kid's dad is a badass, ex special forces)

"Tonight when you're sleeping I'm going to nail all your doors and windows shut and burn your house to the ground."

There's tons but I don't want to sit here and think of them all. Whatever messed up thing that pops into my head I usually say.
Ok in math class their is this kid in a wheel chair who is always pissy and well he keeps telling to to shut up cuz im talking and i just strait up said "Your just pissed off cuz your in a fucking wheel chair you fucking prick" well the teacher sent me to the office and that kid dosent talk to me any more. Thank god.
I cant totaly remember all my words.. When some1 pisses me off ill throw down everything.. Every swear word multiple times, and personal attacks about every aspect in their life
This ginger was pissing me off so finally I was like "Shutup Jesse, you have red hair which automatically makes you inferior to everyone else in this room."
pics or shens

i cant remember my good material, ive become a nice guy after basic.
I had a nasty break up last year. She was getting pretty emotional, and I guess I was as well. We were trying to be civil, and work things out so that there wasn't any bad blood between us. Well I essentially told her that I never had feelings for her. It wasn't true, and I didn't mean to hurt her, but for some reason I said it. Pretty much that sparked possibly the worst night of my life, which lead to the worst few months of my life. I'm still partially cutoff from my friends because of that.

TL;DR - Told a gf that I never had feelings for her.