Meanest thing you have ever said

:crash: Like I tried to be badass by saying "your mom"

you're cool for trying to flame, aren't you.
i asked my teacher what her and her husband was gonna do for valentines day while i knew he is in jail for banging a 16 yearold
I told my grandmother no wonder her son is a drug addict, you made him become that way because you are so controlling. I also told her thats why her husband left her. This is when she was making my life miserable when i lived with her.
Told this kid in my class that I hoped his mother got cancer and died turns out his mom really had died of cancer like 3 years ago. Weird thing is I hate him so much I didn't even feel bad.
Was leaving the cafeteria and threw the door open like I always do. Ended up knockin a nerd that was running through the hall on his ass. He laid there and started crying. Almost everyone in the hall at the time HATED him and started kicking him as they walked by (I didn't kick him ^^ I just walked away cause I knew he was exaggerating). Well, a cop ran over to the kid before I was like 30 feet away. Heard the kid yell from behind me, "It was him." I just kept walking. The hall was so packed that I knew the cop wasn't going to catch me, and it's not like he got a good view of me.

Funniest thing about it was, some of the most "innocent" people in the school were kickin him.

Note-No one was majorly injured, granted he MIGHT have gotten a bruise or two, it wasn't a big or even close to brutal attack.

Edit- Shh.... Don't tell anyone that it's not something I said.... Afk sleeping..
i was joking around with my buddy at work about his mom and i said "i heard she has cancer".....i didnt really think about that before i said it.