Me and my friend traded games HELP!!?


May 15, 2008
a day ago me and me friend traded games. I gave him battlefield 3 with a premium code that came with all the DLC, Farcry 3,and the first black ops for Halo 4 and Black ops two. Now while i was playing halo i got a message from him saying he wanted to trade back (keep in mind that the original deal was the three games i gave him just for black ops 2) i asked him why, and he said they didn't work... they had only been played a couple of times, so i asked what was wrong and he said he lost black ops and broke battlefield 3. so i said i wasn't trading back and now he's mad. he has been my friend sense second grade. i don't want to get screwed over a deal but i don't want to be mad a my friend. Please help.
You should give him his games back, but demand in a respectful manner that he either repay you for damaging your stuff or replace what he broke. If he refuses, have your parents discuss it with his parents (unless you're both living on your own). Friends or not, it isn't right to break someone's stuff and do nothing about it. In the future, I wouldn't lend this guy anything anymore if this is how he handles borrowed goods. It's YOUR property, man, so if this guy tries to screw you over then you have every right to demand compensation.
Just because he broke your stuff doesnt mean he should get his stuff back. If he wants them back, have him get a new game to replace the ones he ruined, or tell him to suck it up. No givsies backsies after all.
He shouldnt be mad! its his fault he doesnt have the games! Dont give them back, he is being unfair. Also i think you got ripped off in the first place, i mean 3 games for 2? haha goodluck!