MAP the film!!!

and you ain't gonna get the blank check until you post some pics! See, I'm villanous already, trying to blackmail the hero!
Well, you wanna be the female lead's sidekick, and Su Lin would make an abysmal anti-heroine, sooo.... you're stuck as a good guy
Due to the fact that i'm both English and a grappler, i'd like to be the bad guy that gets his just desserts at the hands of a TMA'er.

Also, i will be played by Arnold Shwarzenegger (as hes a childhood hero of mine), sporting a very poorly faked English accent.
Sorry, dawg, but the best you get is "dark brooding sidekick trying to make himself better". Oooh, how EMO of you! A'ight?
I know that you are gonna want a part in this Epic movie, so I went ahead and got you your leading lady Not too shabby eh
I get to be the guy who screws the main character over in the middle of the movie (you know, the one that everybody trusted through the whole movie) and goes down in a blaze of glory at the end
I want only organic carob, 3000 thread count Eygptian cotton sheets and Evian in my trailer

I would so love to be the hair stylist for this film :p
Since this is Martial Arts Planet, I'm going for the Hong Kong MA blockbuster.......... in which case I'd like to be in charge of the really really bad subtitling.

All your sidekicking are belong to us!
If we're going for a typical kung fu movie, i would like to be the stereotypical white guy who only talks about pearl harbour and how i think im physically stronger than the asian people.

I throw a few of the students around using my superior strength, but only enough to anger the main character who beats me down using superior technique to override my physical advantages.
err... sorry to inform you... but prison sex produces no children.
So Flashlock couldn't get pregnant even if he tried.