MAP Snowboarding

I might be able to make it, it's pretty close to my moving date up to london and I'm an absolute beginner, but I'd like to make it if I can.

How much are the lessons going to be?
Probably £29, plus I think £5 kit hire if you don't have your own (that's waterproof trousers and jacket, you have to supply your own gloves). That gets you your first session, where you'll hopefully learn how to travel down the slope directly backwards and back-diagonally too

Assuming you're boarding that is.

I will need a decision asap if you want to go, as any lesson bookings I do will be in about a day... After that it'll be down to individuals to book lessons!
re. date- either is good for me. I'll have a look regarding transport then. I have boarded before but am absolute rubbish. I'd probably choose to not have a lesson and be incredibly stupid.

But if enought people post saying they want them, I'll go for the safer option
Near Richmond here. Am already giving a lift to one person, so I have no objection to further lift-sharing.
Okie dokie people, time for me to start getting names in earnest, especially for the lessons.

So, I have so far:

Recreational boarding/skiing (2 hours, starting around 11:30)

Aegis' friend Steve
Zhan shi (or whatever name he's going by at the moment)

Lesson (starting at 11:30, 1 hour)

Akasha (needs a substitute)
Auntie Pink

If everyone umm-ing and ahh-ing makes it, that's 8 of us. And that means that the next 2 people will be responsible for bringing the price down by 10% each, so they will be rewarded with brownies and hugs from the girls (or guys if they're that way inclined!)

So sign up!

People needing lessons: please confirm to me by PM that you want me to book for you and I will do so with ma credit card and get you guys to Paypal or post me the money. I'll cancel bookings if they're not paid for though!
Will try to book the lessons tomorrow lunchtime, so anyone still undecided has until about noon to message me with a lesson request. After that it's down to you to book your own lessons if you want to join us (should still be possible, but you might be in a different group)
This is for mixitup. Thanks again for offering to take me down to Milton Keynes. I just have one question: Are you planning on driving down in the mornig, going skiing, and the driving back on the same day, or are you planning on staying over?
Is there another Vics or is that me up there in lessons Aegis

Guess I'm going then..

I'm gonna die
Yep, you AND Saz

Sort out your arrangements with each other, I'll see you at Xscape
OK, announcement:

Comaboy is organising his HOUSE MOVE around this trip! There is no longer any valid excuse for anyone interested not to turn up!
I'm now going to have to say no, I can't afford the transport! I've been hit with massive bills that weekend, and I hope to see you all soon. (I'd also need a lesson).
It would cost me about £100 to do this, and it's something I really can't afford.
(And it's junior gradings that day, so another thing I've been told I need to be there for!)