Makeup Tips For A Newbie? Please help!?


May 13, 2008
Hi I am 13 and I want to start using a LITTLE bit of make up. All of the other girl do and I feel 11 not thirteen. So please give me tips or tutorials! I would be sooo greatful. I cant ask my mom because she never wears any and my sister doesnt want me wearing make up so she wont help me. I also have really big, frizzy curly hair so any ideas on how to deal with that. I dont like straightening it, it looks too flat. PLEASE HELP!
Thanks and God Bless <3
Also how do I ask my mother and sister to allow me to wear make up. :)
1. elf is AMAZINGGG for starting out-sooo cheap-and good quality- i love it even now!
2. use eyeshadow primer so your eyeshadow really looks good-and stays on longer!
3. dont go crazy with the eyeliner...even if the other girls just looks messy
4. eyeshadow is ALWAYS optional, mascara and eyeliner (mainly mascara) go a longgg way!
GOODLUCK:) message me for any other tips!
***BTW makeup gurus give me the most tips/tutorials (macbarbie07, bubzbeauty, juicystar07, and moree!)
There are a lot of inexpensive products you can get at the grocery store/Walgreens to help with frizzy hair. Like this one.

Eyeliner, mascara, and lipgloss/lipstick go a long way.

For eyeliner, I suggest one of the ones that you can twist up so you don't have to sharpen it, like this one

Lots of people like the Lashblast mascara, so that's a safe bet.

And my personal all time favorite lip gloss is this kind.
Smells good, good color assortment and formula, etc.
Michelle Phan is awesome at her makeup tutorials :D
Maybe curl your hair or try a frizz reducing spray idk O.O
Just say "mum may I please wear make up, not a lot just a little pretty please" and smile and if she says no don't push it
Keep it simple!
I'm 14, and around your age all I used was mascara and lip gloss. (A light pink one).
Maybe you could use light tan eyeshadow if you want, but I wouldn't go all out.

Try doing cute ponytails, buns, or whatever.
Crimp it! It looks less frizzy, and not completely flat!
Since it's frizzy, I reccomd John Fredia Frizz-Ease shampoo & conditioner

For your sister and mother:
I'm not sure. If you sister doesn't want you to wear make up; I'm pretty sure she won't say anything.
For your mom: try asking her if she has ANY experience with make up. Maybe as a teenager? She might not have gone all her life without make up.

Good luck! <3
I'm not exactly an expert on makeup so I suggest Youtube. There are tons of makeup tutorials and gurus that offer helpful advice. Some of my favorites are MacBarbie07, Sarahbelle93x, and Juicystar07.
but if you only want a little makeup, maybe just mascara,eyeline, and natural eyeshadows. you probably do not need foundation if you are only 13, but if you want you can. hope this helps and good luck :)
first of all if you are a newbie don't wear eyeliner it tends to go down and cause raccoon eyes which are unattractive do use mascara it makes you look older and pretty and a light pink or cream eyeshadow. and for your hair braid it:) french braid your hair and sleep on it. it will tame your hair so it isn't that curly and remember to make it loose. and as for how to ask them just let your sister know that you want to look as pretty as her and how you really feel that you feel young and for your mom just ask her if she has ever felt out of the crowd for some trend before and that's how you feel and you just want to fit in and im sure they will help yooh o and doing things behind their back is never the answer. lol any ways i hope i helped:)
The first thing I started out with was mascara. I'm 15 by the way. :) Definitely start out slow because if you throw and pack on a bunch of products all of a sudden, your skin could react very very very badly. So mascara and then you could move on to maybe some eyeliner. Don't make it dramatic and maybe start out with a brown. :) And lipgloss. But if you're lips are chapped start with chapstick and if you can find one, a tinted one (I have one.. I don't know why, where, how)
Once you get the hang of it, instead of getting to foundation, choose a tinted moisturizer. CoverGirl has some and so does Neutrogena. They're both drugstore so easily accessible. If you're an oily skin type then you could use a mineral powder foundation. I'm using one and it's Maybelline Mineral Power Powder Foundation.
I really hoped I helped a tinsy bit. Hope you get an idea from the answers you get! :) Good luck.
well if you just want eye make up wear some neutral colors (browns, tans, and coppers), maybe a black or brown mascara and if you just want a little i dont suggest liner. You could use YouTube but most videos are for people who wear a lot of makeup! so maybe put a tan or light brown on your lid, a darker brown in your crease, and put white on your browbone as a highlight. also put white in your inner corners to make your eyes brighter and look bigger. you could also wear some pink lipgloss.

Now for asking about it, maybe while your at a store or something and as you pass the makeup isle mention it to your mom and tell her you dont want much just some neutral colors and mascara and lipgloss. and dont worry about your sister this is your moms decision not hers! thats what i did and worked out well! and whenevr your want more just do the same and gradually work your way up and one day it wont even matter, you will just buy it as you please and receive it as gifts!

Hope I Helped! Good Luck!! :)