Love The Pain: Microsoft Still Can't Quit Japan



Microsoft is a glutton for Japanese punishment. Think the company is going to give up? Not in this life, brother! Shane Kim, Microsoft corporate vice prez., says they will continue push on in Japan, a region that has been less than ethusiastic about the Xbox 360. According to Kim:

I still am a believer in our ability to do well in Japan. We're not going to win in Japan. We know that. That was never our goal, this generation, to win in Japan. We can win this generation without winning Japan. But we can do well in Japan. Now that's going to take a long time.
And if Microsoft doesn't do well in Japan in the next generation, there's always the next next generation and the next next next generation. Sit tight, they'll browbeat Japan sooner or later. It's just a matter of time and money. Microsoft's got loads of both.
Shane Kim Interview [Game|Life]
