Love of the game: Fan proposes during Federer match


Jun 17, 2007
NEW YORK – A fan proposed during Roger Federer's Monday night win over John Isner.
The happy couple was all smiles, and the crowd roared with approval when she said "Yes." Everyone loved it, including Federer – even if he didn't exactly understand the choice of venue.*
"I*think it was a great move. I’m happy for him that she says 'yes,' Federer said after his win. "I think it is very cute. I wouldn’t do it, personally, like that, but if they like tennis I wish them well."*
Not gonna judge a jumbotron proposal. But now you’re just gonna sit and watch the tennis? GO SOMEWHERE AND MAKE OUT OR SOMETHING.
— Courtney Nguyen (@FortyDeuceTwits) September 8, 2015
Cheesie but successful- a proposal on screen during break @usopen #fedvisn #usopen #tennis
— Cecilia Storniolo (@Cecilia_St) September 8, 2015
Cute, but not exactly the most original idea. It had actually already been done on the court inside Arthur Ashe Stadium last week. That time, it was No. 1 Novak Djokovic helping a friend propose.
"I am very excited for you guys and glad I had a role in this wonderful surprise! Congratulations Kirk and Jenny," Djokovic wrote in a Sept. 1 Facebook post.*
And exactly a year ago, on Sept. 7, 2014, Martina Navratilova proposed to her long-time girlfriend in a suite in Ashe during a semifinal match.