Looks Can Be Deceiving


Feb 14, 2008
First of all, this is not another love thread or a thread where I just complain about my life. Anyway, so there is this girl in my history class who has a really tough, hard look. It is the kind of look where it seems like she wants to isolate herself and not say anything to anybody. So the over the past few weeks, she and I never exchanged a single word, even though we sit close to each other in class. I thought that she was trying to ignore me or had something against me. I know what I thought was totally ridiculous but I guess I am just an oversensitive guy. So yesterday I was talking with somebody about test scores and all of a sudden she just jumped right in the conversation and asked about my score. So I asked for hers and we just started talking about the class. When the class was over she said good-bye to me before leaving. In the past, she would say nothing and maintain that cold look when she left. This just shows that looks can be deceiving and that we should never judge people by how they look because they can surprise you at every turn.
You are totally right. Some people seem stand-offish because they are shy, or insecure or really are arrogant. It is very hard to make a judgement call on someone's personality without getting to know them a little and the people they call friends. You can tell alot about a person by who they choose to associate themselves with. I know I have made the mistake of judging others by their appearance and have been pleasantly surprised/bitterly disappointed to find I was wrong.
I agree -- looks (and even behavior) can be deceiving. The person who doesn't respond to you may be shy, or have a hearing problem, or have laryngitis!

Also, the not-so-pretty (or handsome) people we may snub could have a very warm heart and a loving disposition. Think about it...
She also could have been "feeling you out". It may have been just the opposite. She may have judged YOU from the beginning, and finally chose to discard her assumption and speak to you. Either way it goes, good times are ahead. Good luck!