Looking for a recipe for homemade chipped beef and gravy?


New member
Mar 25, 2009
I prefer the real meat, not the dried stuff or the stuff that comes in the little lunch meat packages.
Hey you asked for a simple dish that is easy to fix in just a short time. Here it goes.

First you need the chipped beef. Remove it from the glass jar and with a sharp knife cut it into narrow strips. Set aside.

In a medium size frying pan place 3 tablespoons of butter or margarine and 3 tablespoons of all purpose flour. Stir until it blends together then add 2 cups 2% milk not skim. With a whisk stir until this mixture becomes thick and creamy over MEDIUM HEAT. Season with black pepper to taste. Add the chipped beef strips and stir to combine. Since this chipped beef is salty do not add salt until the meat is added to the gravy and you have tasted it. Once you add salt you can not remove it.

We always had ours over white toasted bread, but you can use biscuits, English muffins or anything you desire. Best of luck!

Note: if you want the gravy thicker increase the flour and butter if thinner add more milk.