Liverpool fans can you leave Rogers alone please?


New member
Nov 1, 2012
Guys can we please stop putting so much pressure on Brendan Rogers, you really think a change of manager will fix everything?...I see alot of good signs ...patiencte guys

thoughts please?
He's got to do something.... I'm all for BR but pitch performances HAVE to improve. This isn't about instant results, it's about what he promised us at the start of the season. His start of season goal was to finish in the top 4. Unless he has something right up his sleeve top 10 is a bit of an ask at the moment. If he said he can get us into the top 4 in his 1st season in charge then can he at least look like the team are on the right track to do that? How many goals have we scored from open play this season? 4? Where would we be if it wasn't for Steven Gerrards free kick delivery? 3/4s of our goals in the PR league have come from a Steven Gerrard free kick finding the head of Luis Suarez. It just isn't good enough. I get the whole patience thing and leaving the pressure off, but he said Top 4. That's where I expect us to finish. And I do think top 10 is a bit of an ask the way we're performing. We have no creativity to unlock defences. not even from the feet of suarez as no one runs with him and he ultimatly gets tackled. No guile, no creativity, just pretty passing with no real ambition. Just no goals, no goals equals no points, which is what we're going through at the moment. Something has to be done on the pitch. Not calling him to leave any means, but if performances don't pick up big time and we're still languishing about 12th in the table at Christmas then I will be.