liTTLE PRICK beating up my sister and dickhead teacher

Some kids pushed down a little girl. omgomgomg get the tinfoil hats guise, he has 2b coverin stuff up!!1
If someone fucked with my family i'd fuck them up in any way possible.

But since they ARE 3rd graders, just hold them firmly and talk shit and say "if you ever fucking touch my sister again i fucking guarantee you're gunna regret it"

you can say pretty much whatever and they will shit bricks, they are third graders haha
snipe them with a bb gun. out of know where theyll be like OW and wont know where it came from. then just keep shooting them. viedotape it too
cuz hes 15 and still belives what his parents say that every1 on the internetz is out to get u..

Just teach her the ballkick.. If a guy is doing something wrong to a girl he deserves the kick in the balls
If your over 18, or in high school for that matter, you do not want to personally beat them up, publically. My advice is to probably wear a ski mask or something, kill them, cut their bodies into small pieces, and gradually dispose of them in ziplock bags. OR you can just tell their parents.
Two guys are beating up a girl, that makes them worse than the OP, as he is protecting his sister.
What like you never got pushed around in school? Either teach her how to kick ass (And by that I mean kick balls) or wait until the kids who beat her up are older and break their legs.
Tell your sister to get a paperweight, red gloves, handcuffs, broken steak knife, and someone to clean up the blood.
wtf no

k just get ass naked, smear mud over ur body (kinky)and suprise them and chase them down a street, screaming nonsense and swinging around a shovel,....or just egg their house, thatl show em! :dodgy: