Lip Piercing help! Skin ripped and around bar bell!?


New member
Dec 24, 2009
Ok, So i just got snakebites yesterday. The one on my left side is great, not swollen at ALL. The piercing on the right is a totally different story. It's swollen, bruised, and my skin is around the bar bell (not the flat part, the actual bar.) is stuck to my skin and im bleeding non-stop. I NEED HELP! Please..

its 11:40PM and i'm pretty sure the place i went to is closed. (yes, it was clean and all.)
The first time I pierced my Monroe it did this, the guy pierced it and use too short of a bar in it, the swelling eventually went down in about 1 week, do sea salt soaks (about 1/4th teaspoon non-iodized sea salt per 1 cup of warm water) or use H2Ocean on it. And put Tea Tree Oil (use only high quality tea tree oil that has been diluted with distilled water.), Emu Oil (if you don't mind using animal products), or Vitamin E Oil on it at night and when you're doing nothing at home.

If the swelling doesn't go down on it within the next week go to the piercing studio and have your piercer put a longer bar in it.
that happened to me because they pierced it wrong, but over time it healed.
i would just soak it in salt water, or hydrogen peroxide.

you might need a longer stud if the skin is covering it, because your lip is swollen.
you need to take it out because the person who pierced it may have hit somthing (small bloodvessel)
so take it out for now give it a week then go back to the shop you went to and get it redone.
Hope this helps!!!