Life could be very short.

The name of this thread is completely irrelevant. Nobody died.

If this was a thread about, say, someone in your class dying in a car wreck it would be appropriate.

A more appropriate thread title would have been "Almost got my bitch-ass mugged by a fellow employee"

edit: yes, watching CSI and Cops makes you highly educated regarding crime :rolleyes: And try out that little theory. It will work like a charm.
I dont play video games at all.. I owned a ps2 and I think call of duty a long ass time ago. I still havnt played the new COD at my friends.

It will work.. its fool proof.

I like your name too.. its going to be my new website.. but spelled a little different.
Hey I just tried this it works, but I had to shoot one of them a few times......Now my mom pissed because she doesnt think the bruises will go away.

hahaha.. im 24 you douche.. and with the name dudeman 69 88 I probably wouldnt take anything you say serious.. You should of been cooler and put 420 in your user name. :ugh:


And you wont be sueing crap. Iseewutyoudidthar

Cops don't bust out the DNA tests for any old crime. Maybe a tracking dog and a few swabs if there was semen sprayed on the walls and blood on the floors.

I don't know about you, but if I were a dealer with enough cash to warrant a 4-person break in of my house... I wouldn't want police snooping around.

holy shit i work in a restaurant too and I swear this one waitress is gonna bring a gun into work one day... :ugh: she freaks out over every little thing, thinks she runs the show, fucking bitch she is.
I have dealt with two robberies at the store I work at.

One wasn't even in my department (was in pharmacy) but I helped police by locking the front doors and hiding in the bathroom (fuck being within 20 feet of retards with guns). Slowed them down enough for the police to arrive to two wanna-be thugs trying to bash through half inch glass. They are in jail for the next 35 years of their lives.

The other I had a pistol pointed to my head and I had to hand over $800 and close to $1k worth of cigarettes to some faggot trying to be hard. He was caught two miles down the road driving his mom's caddy. He's in jail for 10 years.

It's scary shit man. But if you just cooperate with them you'll end up on the better end. I could've tried to be a hero the second time around and knock the gun out of his hand or some shit but I value my life way too much.
did you read his story?

he said he stayed after closing, and thats when the robbery happened