LGBT ... survey time?


New member
Apr 28, 2010
a. do you prefer coffee or tea?
b. is Brad right for Angelina?
c. do you like fail book?
d. why won't you be my facebook friend?
e. am I gay?
f. do you get scared on stairs at night?
g. do you like the city or the country.
h. do you know the alphabet without signing the alphabet song.
i. I am in love with Wendy.
j. Do you know who Ryan M is?
a. coffee and will only drink green tea if my bf does
b. is Brad right for Angelina? no
c. do you like fail book? I love it, check it out, if you hate it I don't want to be your friend.
d. why won't you be my facebook friend? Ya why won't you
e. am I gay? my bf says I am but the cute girl that give me a large for a price a medium doesn't think so
f. do you get scared on stairs at night? Yes I do, but only on stairs
g. do you like the city or the country.
h. do you know the alphabet without signing the alphabet song. Nope
i. I am in love with Wendy. I'd do her just saying
j. Do you know who Ryan M is? He was the original and imho and imho the best troll
a. Tea but I do like my iced coffee or the iced hot chocolate from dunkin was better
b. I think Angelina could do better
c. Fail book? Never heard of it.
d. Again profile listed on my yahoo profile and you have never added me or else I would have accepted your request.
e. You tell me. Are you?
f. Not really. I mean sometimes sure but not if the lights are on,
h. Yes I do
i. Hmm good. Cause I thought she was in love with me. I have never seen that women spread more hate over me then anything.
j. I thought I did but I guess not? The name rings a bell but I am not sure.
a. coffee
b. no, he'd be better off with me :D
c. *shrug*
d. I don't use failbook
e. I don't know, are you?
f. nope
g. city, most of the time
h. not even then, lysdexic brain is lysdexic
i. ok
j. ?
I don't care
I don't know you
I don't know you
The suburbs
I don't know
a. do you prefer coffee or tea?

Neither I like Iced Coffee, and Peach flavoured Ice Tea.

b. is Brad right for Angelina?

No-ones right for anyone in Hollywood. The tabloids and egos ruin relationships.

c. do you like fail book?

I frequently go on, Fail Blog, Dear Blank Please Blank, FMyLife, Engrish and sometimes, once in awhile I might go on fail book.. but nothing beats the Autocorrects.

d. why won't you be my facebook friend?

'Cause you wore sweatpants.. and it's Friday.

e. am I gay?

I don't know, how about troll the LGBT questions with multiple questions regarding the same topic, but we all know the outcome don't we, Homo.

f. do you get scared on stairs at night?

At my house, to get from the lounge room to the living room, you have to climb a small flight of wooden stairs, that are like planks, and whenever its dark and im climbing the stairs alone, I always imagine hands just touching my ankles.. knowing me id just kick the son of a b*tch whos grabbing.

g. do you like the city or the country.

When it comes to pop culture and well overall the culture and all, I love the city. But when it comes to me wanting to relax and be all humble, I love the country, especially central NSW in Australia.

h. do you know the alphabet without signing the alphabet song.

Oh, I always have trouble with the Alphabet, like if im ordering something I have to count out the letters on my fingers while singing the tune. Im 18. FML

i. I am in love with Wendy.

Best I could come up with, was a Peter Pan reference, but if I said I loved Peter, that would be sick because hes the boy who never grew up. I can't think of a single hot Peter. At all.

j. Do you know who Ryan M is?

Could be a prick I used to go to school with, but I doubt it, I doubt hes that popular, besides I dislike him so much that i'll make my mind erase all memory of him. Nup, I have no idea who Ryan M is, still sounds like a C**t to me though.

a. coffee
b. yes idea
d. because it's bad enough i even have a facebook. i hate facebook
e. yes
f. sometimes. i think i'll miss a step because it's dark then i'll fall and smash my face on the concrete or wood or whatever
g. that i live in right now? city hell no, country's better than most.
h. umm sure
i. if that's true wendy would be "gettin' some" and not being "herself"
j. can't say that i do
B. Maybe lol
C. Idk what that means
D. If i had a facebook i would
E. You are for me jk
F. I dont have stairs
G. City boy but i live in the country
H. No lol
I. God i hope not
J. Nope
1. Coffee
2. I don't care.
3. Some days.
4. Because I don't know you.
5. I assume as much being as this is the LGBT section.
6. Not particularly.
7. Both.
8. Yes...
10. No... Should I?