learning how to drive?


New member
Jun 24, 2008
Im 19 years old and I have had my restricts for about 2 years. I don't drive very often becasuse my mom is so precatious about her car. Well it like everytime I drive with her she argues with me and she makes me nervous. Today I was driving so well and then she started an argument that the lotion I put on in the car was giving her a headache ( she was like yelling at me). This was making me very upset because it was just messing up my concentration. In the process,,, i forgot to stop at a stop sign...( it was on a back road and I know this is a major mistake)...well when that happened. She just totally went off on me...I take my driving test in a hour and now I feel so down
has anyone ever had someone to yell at you ...while you were in the car with them??
I have indeed been yelled at in the car and yeah it can be pretty unnerving especially before a test but think of it this way. A lot of the time on the road there are things to distract you but above all you have to do your job as the driver its your responsability to make sure that the passengers (and your self of course!) are going to be safe so sometimes you have to just shut out the distractions and make sure you are doing your job. As for feeling down....before my drivers test I went to youtube and watched some comedy and then I felt great.

good luck on the test! and drive safely!
ok just take it easy and make sure your prepared. my mom was just like your mom. but your mom does that because moms are naturally a bit over protective. just take it easy and try to get your driver's liscense. on my driving test, i "ran" a stop sign (i didn't stop before the line) and i bumped into the parking stopper and i still made it. don't worry; driving is just common sense.
ok just take it easy and make sure your prepared. my mom was just like your mom. but your mom does that because moms are naturally a bit over protective. just take it easy and try to get your driver's liscense. on my driving test, i "ran" a stop sign (i didn't stop before the line) and i bumped into the parking stopper and i still made it. don't worry; driving is just common sense.