Latest Plane to hit High Rise in NYC


New member
Mar 4, 2008
Not sure if anyone has heard the news yet.....

A small plane crashed into a condo in Manhatten several hours ago

My office, of course was frantic thinking it was yet another terrorist attack on the city.

Come to find out, it is almost certain that it is the private plane of Cory Lidle a relief pitcher for the NY Yankees,0,225622.story?coll=ny-linews-utility
That last part was certainly a shocker. Where as there has been talk for years of the possible threat posed by private planes in terms of another terrorist aviation attack. And accidents happen to private pilots all the time.
No one thought it would be a Yankee.
been discussing it all day at a skeptics forum....were not skeptical of what happaned but of conspiract theories.
It seems that every fool on earth who heard of it automatically assumed it was a terrorist thing. Of course no one bothered to read any of the reports stating in no uncertain terms that it wasn't.
Well obviously you can't blame eyewitnesses on the scene or the tenants in the building for thinking that ...seeing a plane crashing into this high rise-- last it happened was 9/11

It was a totally frightening & unusual experience (9/11) and one that is still fresh in the minds of many NY'ers that live and work in the city.
True the fear is understandable... but I'd heard about it from several frantic people hours after the reports of who it was and how they suspect it had happened hit the news sites. Instead of people checking things out for themselves - people seemingly ran through the streets shouting that 9/11 had started all over.
Its too bad that most of those little planes don't have black boxes. I haven't heard if this one did or not.
This particular plane a four-seater Cirrus SR20 was the first FAA certified plane to come with a whole plane parachute designed to bring the craft down safely when all else fails !
It ended up being a Yankee pitcher and his instructor.

This is not the first time a small plane has a hit a building since 9/11. Happaned once in Tampa, Fl. Some kid committed suicide & mentioned Al Qeida but he was bipolar or somthing. Really had nothing to do with terrorism.

NYers are conditioned to think terrorism at this point. In fact is was a safe assumption but it was ruled out quickly.
it is probably better that people assume terrorism than assume accident. Yes there'll be a panic, but its better than a load of people standing around scratching themselves when planes 2, 3 and 4 show up.
That's true - I believe that security directed people back into the second tower on 9/11. That will never happen again.