

New member
Apr 10, 2008
How many languages can you speak? I like travelling and so its good to speak other languages. I speak English obviously, but i can also speak some Irish(Gaeilge) and I'm learning French(Francais).

Here's a few Irish words, sentences and phrases that you can use to impress any Irish people you meet!:

Dia dhuit (dee-a gwit)=hello Conas atل tْ? (cun-is a-taw tou)=how are you

Slلn (slawn)=goodbye Tل mé go maith (taw may guh moh)=I am good

Is maith liom tae/caife/seaclلid/buachaillي/cailيnي/karaté/jْdَ (iss moh lum tay/caffee/shock-loid/buak-ill-ee/col-ee-nee)=I like tea/coffee/chocolate/boys/girls/karate/judo
aye, aa talk geordie, a bit o english an a bit o french.

few words:
"mon sport prefere c'est karate"
"my favourite sport is karate" translation of wots above
"aas ganning doon the toon te hoy a few bottles o dog doon me neck, then bak te me gaffe, hoy sum scran doon me neck annall, then get some kip" try and translate that
Translation from the Geordie...

I intend to visit the urban center of my habitat to partake in some liquid refreshment. I will also take solid nurishment there followed by a return journey home in order to attempt some slumber.
Polish and English. Learning Japanese, but not enough to have a conversation yet.

I speak mostly English. Not sure, though.

Some German. I'm one of the best German-speaking students in my class, and yet I've got an F. Oh well.

Es ist nicht gut. Ich bin intelligent! Ich habe keine "F"! Das ist nicht gut! Sehr ungesund, ja?
I was one of the best in my Spanish class yet I had poor grades too. I got points subtracted for talking and I never once did homework or studied, maybe you have the same problem?
I can "understand" Italian when spoken to me, however I can only manage a few phrases. Reason being.... when I was a child my family (mom & grandmother) would speak in Italian so as I would not understand what they were saying.... "We have chocolate ice cream for dessert but Deby hasn't finished her dinner so ..." (... basically made it my business to find out what they were saying!!)

Know some Spanish from school and traveling to Spanish-speaking countries.
English, Cantonese, learning some Mandarin.

Was taught french, german and latin in school but never paid attention. I was already bi-lingual! why do i need another damn language.
I speak English as my native language. I'm taking French now, but I'm not really into it. I hope to learn some Korean or Japanese once I go to college.
English, Tagalog, Cebuano, Nihongo (a bit rusty at this, though), Klingon, Vulcan, Legalese, Fuddindese
English, Etwas schlecht Deutsh, Rwy'n siarad cymraeg yn rhugl ac mae ganddo i TGAU o safon 'B', Je parle un peu de Francais, que j'ai utilise liberalement en Bretagne, Nihongo no karate o hanashimasu, and a very very small and poor amount of arabic.
I speak, English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Latin, Greek, Hebrew and a little French.
Ukrainian, Japanese, Russian, English.
Gotta learn French soon... probably will stop learning after the first year. four languages are enough...