Lake George,NY annual LOG BAY DAY


Mar 5, 2008
was yesterday...and amazing!

info? sure...

there is a bay on Lake George,also known as "Knapp Estate",or "Shelving Rock", and since 1997,
the last monday of every July there is about 5000 people that go

theres bands,sooooo many boats [also can drive up],nonstop alcohol,alot of boob showing,beer pong in the water,drunken fights...the whole 9 yards
its pretty much a HUGEEEEEE party

alot of sheriffs and EnCon officers are there,but usually dont bother people unless your drinking and driving
I got a ticket at the road block for my inspection being up but w/e

the last few years I have been attending,and if you live in,or around NY...then I highlyyyy suggest going!









if you were from around here,you would...
its basically christmas for people 18 and older around this area
we wait for this day every year
whats with the tie dye wearing hippies on stage?

its not a bunch of that new age whiney rock is it?
down by the bay,

where the watermelon grows...

edit: it didn't sound racist when we were kids.
as sweet as that floating beer pong table is, somehow that isn't something i see as fun. that many people packed together in lukewarm brackish water under the smell of diesel exhaust and BO and vomit in the hot sun? no thanks, i'll stick to lake house parties with my friends
Thats weak. There is something like that at Lake of the Ozarks called party cove every friday and saturday night. Only twice as big
mostly all of the pics dont work for me anymore.

but it does like the number of dudes farly outnumbers that of women.
might look like that in pics,but girls deffinatly outnumber guys there
guys come on big ass boats with 10 girls,its crazy
if you dont see 10 pairs of boobs an hour,then your a tool