Krav Maga the best martial art?


New member
Jul 29, 2009
I think Krav Maga is the best martial art. It was invented by the Israeli Defense Force to defend against Palestinian aggressors, and the IDF are the best warriors on the face of the planet. That is why Krav Maga is the best martial art.
Forget Krav Maga, I could whip all your butts. Haven't seen a conflict yet these guns [I'm flexing now] can't resolve.
Israel defense force doesn't have anything on A LOT of other groups out there.
I must agree there can be no one best martial arts.
Being I'm a shodan in Yoshinkan Aikido. I like aikido just the way it is. And I'd have to disagree with you on the Israeli defense force being the best warriors. I'd like to think special ops groups like SAS and ARW are, and Spetsnaz(voiska spetsialnogo naznacheniya)