Knight Breaks 8000

Holy crap! 8000 in a little over 2 years. Mega-Uber-Ultra-Super-Colossal Postwhore extreme with a cherry on top. Congrats! Why don't you celebrate with a Foster's, it's Australian for "Damn, you're gullible!"
OMG, 8,000 in two years!? That's right up there with chi balls and delayed kill strikes.

I guess it is true, though. Mind-boggling, but true.

Parabens, NK.
believe me mate, it was my pleasure

(it was a long and arduous task narrowing it down to that pic, over 96,000 links come up on Google Images for our Jess )
Hope it helped you not think about smoking while you did it mate .

We arent going to rest until you join the ranks of reformed smokers.
failed y'day

*hangs head in shame*

work stress made me go crying like a biatch back my crutch

keep up the pressure tho'

i do appreciate it
If quiting was easy, no one would make a big deal about it.

Just keep trying mate, you'll get it.
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thats mad!!!


you, on your own, single handedly, are responsible for nearly 1% of all the posts on MAP ever!!!!!

given that you've been here for less than two years and most of that time is spent in the sin bin, thats quite an acheivement
And so you should!

Can't believe I missed this thread yesterday, so here's a little something for you, to make up for it:

(isn't she beautiful? )
aww, but she's such a beauty, mate!

and you're gunna break her little heart!
So what DO you do with all those sheep then?

On second thoughts..... don't answer that.