Kitten has some funny type of bump on his lower neck?


New member
Jun 10, 2013
Okay so my dad has a kitten dont know how old he is...long story. Anyways the other cat likes to attack mean attack the baby kitten and the 9 month old. I dont live with my dad but saw him today...anyways he said the bigger cat attacked the kitten. Scratched his eye, my dad cleaned it and said it was good. Then the day after he noticed blood on his neck and said it looks like he got a scratch on his neck. I came today cleaned it and I smelled a nasty smell on my fingers cant explain but it was gross. It is a bump under his neck on the right side. It has a hole in the middle and white stuff coming out. I put some vasaline on it just enough to keep him from scratching. But his eye is also giving out a clear discharge not like normal its like he is crying tears. Im taking him to the vet tomorrow. Question is...why is this happening? Could it be a bug bite that got infected? Why are his eyes watering. he okay what is going the wound smells rancid. Infection I assume. Help plz.