Karate Practitioners - Advice on which style?


Jun 8, 2008
I am currently studying Wado-Ryu. But I chose this style as there is a club very close by with a good instructor. I am now considering if it was the best choice for me.

In terms of what I am trying to achieve it is really just learning a martial art, learning the knowledge, enjoying myself, keeping fit and improving my flexibility and balance, and learning some skills that maybe required one day in self defence. Therefore all karate styles would satisfy the above requirements. However I'd like to pick the style that suits me the best.

Firstly I'm not a "hard", strong, head-on power type person determined to meet force with force. I instead prefer the soft blocking philosophy of deflection, re-directing, evading, gaining control of the opponent or using their energy against them.
Secondly I'm extremely interested in techniques for throwing, take-downs, joint locks and joint destruction.
However I still appreciate and enjoy the kicking and punching.

Should I stick with Wado-ryu or would Goju-ryu or Shito-ryu perhaps suit me better?
Hapkido does interest me but it's not commonly practised in the UK and there are no schools near me.

And I'm not interested in krav maga.
Shihan J - I think you may have missed my point. I never said anything about my physique. Also I am aware no one style is better than any other for fighting, its the person applying it. However when learning a style to gain knowledge it is important to pick one that is interesting to you. This is the point of my question.