join the military?

and there you are wrong my friend, im enlisted as a HM, and from what ive heard quite a few HMs get sent over. Seabees are also in Iraq, as well as others
those are support mos's yes. alright you won.

however, im going into the marine corps as an E-2, private first class, here we have it Enlisted
E-1 Private (No Insignia)
E-2 Private First Class (1 Chevron)
E-3 Lance Corporal (1 Chevron w/ crossed rifles)
E-4 Corporal (2 Chevrons w/ crossed rifles)
E-5 Sergeant (3 Chevrons w/ crossed rifles)
E-6 Staff Sergeant (3 Chevrons w/ crossed rifles and 1 rocker)
E-7 Gunnery Sergeant (3 Chevrons w/ crossed rifles and 2 rockers)

copied from here
If i was 20, working a job like you say you are with no plans or funds to go to college i would join something.

coast guard or army i guess.
if you dont wanna fight dont join if you want the signing bonus dont join the marines they dont have one their premise is they want people that want to fight not people that want a giant ass signing bonus
what he was saying. if you dont like/support the war in iraq, and have a problem fighting it. dont join. we dont want you.
i believe there is a separate military thread, take it there, ST will just flame you and not help you. I'm sorry, i figured you were joining the Army, your MOS' are completely different.
Sounds alot like me 8 years ago. I was 21, lived in my parents basement, drove a car with 140k on it, and worked a dead end job. Fast forward to now. I have a car, a truck, and a motorcycle. I own my own house. Things couldn't be much better. I'd definetly recommend it. USCG ftw!
If the thought has been on your mind for awhile, and you really don't have any plans, I would recommend it. I have never served myself, but am strongly considering it after college (got another semester after this one). There are plenty of jobs that will prepare you for an equivalent job outside the military and there are plenty of jobs where you don't have to worry about fighting and/or being killed. Just check out the army/navy/airforce/marine's websites and see what jobs sound interesting/worthwhile to you. After that, start talking to a recruiter.
So you've been fucking around all your life and now that you're cornered, you're considering the military. Typical.

Go to college and use your brain to get a good job in life instead of sacrificing your mind to be a pawn of imperialism.
i know, atleast in the marine corps, you automatically get promoted to officer rank if you come from college.

and this is there starting pay.
O-1 2,543.40
and a auto promotion to Second Lieutenant .
once again, thats starting pay before allowances.
....hi... I guess I may have a bit more credibility than some of the other posters in this thread...

....Mostly because I'm a Marine in Iraq right now.

.....I've done a year of community college, a year at a University (of New Mexico, if you must know), and I decided to drop out, because I no longer saw much of a point to going to class, and doing homework, and working a dead-end job on the weekends just to pay for it.

So I enlisted... and I'm glad I did. I am a better person for it, and I'm not just some stupid kid anymore... I've actually done something in my lifetime.

But... I wouldn't reccommend the Army, Navy, or Marine Corps, unless you're some kind of.... crazy person. I would encourage you to check out the Air Force and Coast Guard... the two services with the highest job satisfaction and re-enlistment rates in the armed services (CG is the highest, and AF is the easiest). And the best part... it's not likely that you'll go to Iraq in either branch... and if you do deploy with the AF, you're on a huge ass base, with tv in your room and shit.

Just learn about all of the available jobs that could possibly interest you... and then get more info about the branch itself... ask some people who have done it (besides a recruiter), and then make up your mind.

...and if you (or anyone else that sees this) has any further questions, feel free to PM me, and I'd be happy to help you out. I don't care if you join up or not... I'd rather people made informed decisions than walk blindly into something they're not ready for.