John Peel dead

Thats awful news, and almost made me cry at work when I found out on another forum.

(also posted a thread in music section without realising this one had already been started - mods, please delete it, here).
What a legend.... Mr. Peel was my only companion many a time, as I revised for exams late into the night.

Rest In Peace.
For our more distant friends, John Peel was a radio DJ who loved music.
He just loved music in all its forms. No zany comedy no whacky prancing. He played music. Some of it barely listenable, some sublime.
John Peel did this for more than 40 years.
Unfashionable but cool.
A sad loss.
John Peel played a huge part in the promotion and support of non "manufactured" music and new developing artistes and getting it/them out to the public so that it/they could find its/their audience when no one else would have giving it an airing.
Some of the music he played was (to be frank) Dire in my opinion but then if he had not got it out there, then I would not have had a chance to form that opinion (and as I say it got to its own audience).
This is a great loss to British Music,and his influence should not be underestimated .The term DJ must be very wide if it emcompasses someone of the stature of John Peel and the mere platespinners that remain plaguing our airwaves
Sad news. He turned me on to so much great music during the mid to late 70's, I havent really listened to him much over recent years but such a shame a part of my teen years gone. RIP JP!