Joey logano..How do you rate his rookie season so far,do you think hes


May 17, 2008
living up to his nick name{Slice Bread}? Do you think he will make the chase next season and do you think he will win the championship some day,See you on the track,PEACE.
He's right where he should be for a rookie.
And a rookie that never had a full season in Nationwide competition at that.
I think he'll be a contender within the next few seasons.
I dont see him livin in the Cup that much longer. He's good for owner points cuz he's alway runnin around the 20's. Dont get me wrong i like him but Whatever.
P.S. That rain win was so gay
he's getting good
he's way better on the nationwide series and he does better than some of the veteran drivers
in a few years he could win a championship
i think
Hes having a decent year. I think its safe to say hes one of my favorite drivers now. Im so happy to see Stuart out of the number 20 home depot car. But hes having a pretty decent season with his own team.
First of all, a win is a win. Joey is a breath of fresh air. I didn't like him at first, but the kid is growing on me. As a rookie, he is doing great. He will be contending within 3 years trust me. I'll give him a 7.5 out of 10. Great potential!
He was looking foward to winng his first race,instead Nascar gave him his first win.I would hate to win my first race like that.He has torn up many racecars over the course of the year,poor Zippy. look at Tony Stewart's rookie year and look at his Joe Gibbs made a terible mistake.I give his a 1 out of 10 for finishing some races.