Jesus Christ are Muhammad ibn Abdullah?


Mar 5, 2008
Why would you chose Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Salaam)?

Why would you chose Jesus Christ?
Eternally, Jesus Christ is GOD; He is sinless; He is fulfillment of hundreds of prophecies; He had a miraculous birth, death and resurrection; He performs miracles of healing, of life from death; He set the standards for our moral, ethical and spiritual values based on love and forgiveness; He alone forgives sin; and most important He is our salvation- by no other Name are we saved.

Mohammad was a sinful, blaspheming man with many wives who thought himself above other men in many ways and was a warring conqueror who took and raped slave women after killing their husbands. Very sad.
Muslims follow both of them. both were human prophets Sallallahu Alayhim Wa Salaam
ppu them all