jailbreaking iphone. its been in recovery mode for a while! via quickpwn?

Jailbreaking an iphone can and usually will take awhile depending on how u jailbroke it. It sometimes doesnt work the first time either. I jailbroke my first iphone, the original one. I now i have the new one and if you do also, there really isnt that great of a reason to jailbreak it. Many talented people have been creating applications for the iphone and new ones keep being made daily. Its better to be safe and not jailbreak the phone and just use the applications that are on the app store. Also, if you jailbreak your phone and something happens to it, be sure to undue the jailbreak before you take it to the genius bar to be repaired. If you dont, they will NOT fix it. But to fully answer your question, leave it plugged in and let it sit for awhile.
quickpwn tells you to let it sit so I guess you already did.... but it should take more then 20min max...

is it 2.1 or 2.2? did it already have apps from the app store? if so you messed up...

unplug it... restore it to new (back it up).... and then jailbreak it... then restore from back up.....\

ohh first app you should download is from cydia "pda net" and "cycorder" and "five icon dock" thats all I really use...
quickpwn tells you to let it sit so I guess you already did.... but it should take more then 20min max...

is it 2.1 or 2.2? did it already have apps from the app store? if so you messed up...

unplug it... restore it to new (back it up).... and then jailbreak it... then restore from back up.....\

ohh first app you should download is from cydia "pda net" and "cycorder" and "five icon dock" thats all I really use...