I've been experiencing pain right below my diaphragm,front middle area for

I am recently suffering from a similar ailment. I have been suspected of having GERDS, then Crohn's for quite some time, and I have been diagnosed with Asthma. I started with suffering from sour stomach and severe pains in my left side. All of a sudden, I developed a respiratory infection, and my pain moved to the right side, starting at my ribs, moving around my body. It became so severe I could not stand up. Suddenly, I was rushed to the hospital. After a huge ambulance and emergency room bill, and an ultrasound of my gall bladder, kidneys, liver, etc, I was released with pain killers and a big question mark. My primary care doctor who is wonderful ordered an X-Ray. He walked into the room just baffled by the results. My right diaphragm was very high. Apparently, my diaphragm is only able to fill with air on the left, and the right one is incapable. Luckily, the gastroenterologist, primary care, and rheumatologist are communicating regularly. After researching the issue, it makes sense why I've always had awful breathing problems the asthma steroids could never help. It looks like it may be a hernia, either congenital, or acquired when I had a traumatic fall at 6.
I awoke this morning with this pain that seems to be coming from around my diaphragm. This has happened before. My mind fears it's the heart but then there seems to be a little gas and/or reflux associated with it. Also, the pain radiates around to my back.

When I flew to Tennessee several months ago, I had such a severe attack that all I could do was lie flat on the floor. After about 8 hours, it finally passed with no residual effects. I also thought relieving myself in the bathroom would help as well as throwing up ... neither seemed to reduce the pain and there was nothing really that needed to be evacuated. I learned that others in Tennessee had similar episodes so I associated it with some stomach flu or bug.

As stated by others, there seems to be no preliminary indication that it will occur so it's hard to know what the cause is. The light headed feeling and rummy from poor sleep is associated with this pain. I agree that anxiety may be a factor and also insufficient digestion as a possible factor. Now that I'm up and moving around, had a couple of cups of tea which is my normal routine, I'm feeling slightly better.

Years ago I had terrible acid reflux and was prescribed all the medicines as cure. I chose to drink aloe vera instead at that time and it seemed to repair and relieve all my acid reflux and heartburn issues. To this day, I don't get those symptoms like I did. I will consider aloe vera as a daily supplement again to see if that relieves this awful pain in my diaphragm area that seems to be re-occuring more often.
I have been having this type of pain for over 8 years, pain left and right side of ribs, any area of stomic, one at a time or combination of all areas, very bad stabing or muscular pain, I have been to ER quite a number of times only to be told its not a heart attack and given a letter for my family Doctor. My Doctor sent me for a full CT of my abdomen along with a full blood count, all comes up o.k.
Doctor tells me my diaphragm is pulled away from its mounting points and it has to repair its self as stiching it back on in surgery only makes it weaker.
I am now 67y.o. and have a heart problem and can't take anti-inflammatory tablets or pain killers, I just have to live with the problem. I am over weight which will not help so I am working on some weight reduction.
P.S. I have it now and its killing me.
My wife has severe diaphragm pain now moving toward her back. I had it a few months back. A couple of our friends have been through it too. One was diagnosed as a virus, which makes sense since it seems to jump around households. She was prescribed a strong anti-biotic.
And that folks.. is what's wrong with your american health coverage. In Canada the problem would have been found out within a week at NO cost to you.


I have been in pain now for 3 months now on and off been to emerge and seen my family doctor (after waiting a month to see her) then im requested to go see two other doctors which the average wait time is 8 months to a year...
I suffered for years with similar symptoms until I was diagnosed with asophageal spasms. Severe pain in chest area, under breast area (diaphragm) and sometimes around to the back. I was given Nitro which certainly helped,, but gave me a bad headache. I have since learned to "swallow" large balls of air to push against the esophagus which is a muscle. This acts to counter the spasm. If i start soon enough I have been able to control it. If it gets real bac, I take a small amount of morphine - and hopefully fall asleep! It seems to come on maybe two to three times a year.
Diaphram pain

I have had this issue for 2 years. I have not been able to walk as it feels like my stomach is pushing up on my diaphragm. As soon as I burp I can walk. As soon as I drink or eat, its painful again until I burp. I take Omeprazole with no relief. I have been to 3 Chiropractors with no relief. I was prescribed Citalopram and this is the first relief I have had in 2 years. I feel so good, I'm a little nervous that it is just masking the pain. Otherwise I have never felt better. I am doing more testing and checking with my Dr. Hope everyone gets relief as this is misery!!!
Fixed my issue with these things....

I had a lot of the same issues and it turned out to be low stomach acid and gluten intolerance. Try eliminating gluten for two weeks....just to see if it changes anything. If so go to the doctor and begin from there, with "hard evidence." If it doesn't change anything then at least you didn't have to go through more pointless tests, right?
I started to experience the symptoms described in this thread when I was in my early twenties. It would start in my diaphragm, and it felt like it went straight through to my back. I would retch in the toilet, only to produce bile. During attacks I would belch alot, but it never really helped. I remember crying on the bathroom floor, wishing I would just die. My mother was convinced it was gall stones. She had her gall bladder removed when she was in her twenties, and said my symptoms sounded identical. I went to the hospital, where the admitting nurse told me it sounded like I was having a gall bladder attack. The doctor sent me for ultrasound, said he couldn't see anything and diagnosed me as having a peptic ulcer. I took EVERY medicine I could find for ulcers (no insurance) and continued having attacks 20-30 times a year FOR 7 YEARS more. During attacks I found I could only sleep on my stomach in the bathtub with very hot water, yeah not very safe and for not very long. Finally I went to work one day, feeling like death and my coworker looked at me and said "I am taking you to the hospital right now, you are yellow." They ran some tests in the ER and told me I was going into surgery immediately. Turns out it WAS gall stones, they had completely blocked off my bile duct and my liver was swollen twice its normal size. I have never had the pain since, and that was 10 years ago. DOCTORS ARE HUMAN, AND MAKE MISTAKES TOO...PLEASE IF WHAT THEY TREAT YOU FOR ISN'T WORKING, GET ANOTHER OPINION. They told me I could have died. I hope you all have found/find relief.
What you all seem to be describing could probably be resolved if you go on a gluten free diet. Might be symptoms of Celiac disease.
well said

And that folks.. is what's wrong with your american health coverage. In Canada the problem would have been found out within a week at NO cost to you.

I am English and living in America. We have National healthcare too. America thinks it's greatest country on the planet.....it is so wrong.
pain between my diaphram

I am a 47 female . I had a gallbladder removal 2 years ago. But I still or continue with that pain. Mine is not so intense and I do not take medication because it doesn't help. I walk with a can of milk in my bag where ever I go. It is the only relief for me. And whatever I ate ,it stuck for hours. I guess doctors cannot do nothing
pain below the diaphragm

I had 2 cookies and an 8 oz cup of milk and went to bed. I started getting this pain below my diaphragm. I started walking around my room but pain did not go away. I finally burp and thought it would help but it did not . This continued for about 20 to 30 minutes. I started getting worried it might be my heart. I checked my blood pressure and it was elevated. So I took a half of a baby Bayer aspirin. After a few minutes the pain went away and my blood pressure dropped. Scared me.
Ughhhhh i know this pain....ooooooohhhhh lordy its killin me right now.will answer y'all when pain goes away.oooooooooooo