Issues with my weight?

you have fast metabolism. so, try a disciplined and high intensity weight training regime. you will need a high calorie intake diet and to replenish your body with good quality protein. Generally deadlifts are excellent for building body muscle mass
I have heard people with the exact same problem.. How old are you? If you are young your metabolism is probably just really fast. I suggest that you might start working out? That would make you not look so skinny and look more fit.. also you might want to contact your doctor just to make sure every thing is running right. Hope I could help!
Honestly, if your fine with how much you eat, then don't worry about it; but if you want to gain weight, then exercise would actually do that for you. After all, muscle weighs more than fat and a LOT more than nothing. Once again, if you're happy with your weight don't worry about it, people shouldn't be pressuring you into obesity:)
Like a number of people have mentioned, your metabolism is just fast. You didn't give much info about what you eat or anything like that, but here are some quick suggestions:

You could stand to eat more calories - but that doesn't necessarily mean more food. Consider how calorie dense your foods are - are you eating enough proteins? Enough carbohydrates? Fats?

Increase the amount of breads and grains that you eat throughout the day, as well as your protein intake. You can do this with meats and/or other protein-rich foods like soy. Stay aware of other adverse effects of eating more of certain types of food (like meat).

Start cooking with healthy fatty oils like olive oil. Put cheese on your sandwiches, drink whole milk, eat whole grain breads, start snacking on protein dense foods like cashews, and sugary foods like fruit, etc...

Just make sure you keep it healthy - more calories doesn't mean eat cake all day. :p. One tip is to increase the calories you drink, but don't do this through soda or anything. Start drinking more milk, more all natural fruit juice, protein shakes, etc...

Hit the gym. Yeah you heard me right. But don't do endurance based training. Go in there and lift heavy. You want weights with which you can only do 6-8 reps. If you don't know much about working out, I suggest you start learning about mass-building/ bulking muscles. You're lucky - it's tough for you to put on fat, but with the right foods and the right type of work-outs, you could still get muscular.

If you do start lifting, you should definitely accompany that with an increase in your calories.

Whatever you do - don't go the eating cake and not doing anything route. This won't do anything other than ruin your body, and by the time your metabolism DOES slow down, you'll be accustomed to the most unhealthy life-style imaginable and go from skinny to disgustingly fat.

Finally - consult with your doctor and/or nutritionist, even before you take my advice. Professional advice is always good, and who knows - you may have a condition you don't know about.
Talk to your Doctor about birth control, I know that may sound weird but there is a chance that the hormones in the birth control will promote weight gain a lot of women see this as a negative side effect but i know people who went of birth control to gain weight. Do honestly talk to your doctor about make sure you have all your facts before starting any new regiment of pills or which ever method you choose (there are many)
hope i could help
Its okay, you just have a high motabalism. So the more you eat the more calories you burn. I suggest you eat the same amount just healthier food. And eat more protein to help gain muscle.
I have the same problem as you! I'm not as tall as you and I'm only 8 stone. I'm trying to get to at least 8 1/2 stone, but it's proving to be quite difficult. I do exercise but I eat a lot each day too and I try to eat a variety of food and I cook huge balanced meals and snack a lot, but it seems to have little or no effect. It's incredibly frustrating. I hate being underweight and I hate looking skinny. I've seen a doctor in the past and they just told me that I have a fast metabolism. They told me to eat a lot of junk food like pizza etc but it didn't have much of an effect and I didn't consider that to be good advice really. I do eat that kind of food but not all the time obviously and I want a solution that I can keep up on a daily basis. If you come up with a solution, please let us know! I'm sorry I can't help. I hate being called thin and skinny too and all my friends are shocked that I stay the same weight when I never seem to stop eating. They say I'm lucky but I completely disagree with them. I'd love to be slightly healthier and have some curves. Good luck with the weight gain!
I have the same problem as you! I'm not as tall as you and I'm only 8 stone. I'm trying to get to at least 8 1/2 stone, but it's proving to be quite difficult. I do exercise but I eat a lot each day too and I try to eat a variety of food and I cook huge balanced meals and snack a lot, but it seems to have little or no effect. It's incredibly frustrating. I hate being underweight and I hate looking skinny. I've seen a doctor in the past and they just told me that I have a fast metabolism. They told me to eat a lot of junk food like pizza etc but it didn't have much of an effect and I didn't consider that to be good advice really. I do eat that kind of food but not all the time obviously and I want a solution that I can keep up on a daily basis. If you come up with a solution, please let us know! I'm sorry I can't help. I hate being called thin and skinny too and all my friends are shocked that I stay the same weight when I never seem to stop eating. They say I'm lucky but I completely disagree with them. I'd love to be slightly healthier and have some curves. Good luck with the weight gain!
It can be hurtful when people tease. I would say if you feel bad (queasy, weak, off) then see a doctor. If not, enjoy your willowiness. Make sure that you eat healthy and exercise moderately so you are strong, the rest is up to God and genetics. Your personality and winning smile will silence the critics who are sincere. The knuckleheads will tease you no matter what size you are. Enjoy your size, it will change on it's own. Just stay healthy. Lots of water, veggies, and plenty of healthy fats. nuts, fish and chocolate:)
I used to have a fast metabolism, but it slowed as I got older, n I just couldn't eat what I wanted to anymore because I started gaining weight
You have a fast metabolism. It will naturally slow down as you get older. I'm the same way as you im 6 foot 2 and only 8 and a half stone. My parents used to be the same as me: skinny as a rake, but once they hit about age 23-25 their metabolism's slowed down.

I can eat in excess of 2500 calories a day and gain 0 weight. It's practically impossible.