Issues with my Bamoo Connect and Pen?


New member
Sep 6, 2013
OK, so I got a Bamboo Connect [Bamboo pen model CTL-470] a year ago and everything was fine for maybe 2 or 3 months. Then, one day, I tried to use it and the cursor on the screen shot up to the top left corner and kept moving back and forth from there to other points on the screen. The pen wasn't even touching it. When I looked it up online and asked for technical support, I was told to try reinstalling the drivers, restarting the computer, or else that the pen was defective - which made sense because my niece had thrown it a few weeks before from the top of a staircase after taking it from my hand. Note, that was a week or so before the issues started coming up, but it was all I had, so I stashed the old pen away and kept the tablet in a safe place.
Fast forward to now, I just received my new pen in the mail. I have a new computer by this time and I install the driver and software directly from Wacom's website. Everything seems fine, the computer recognizes the tablet, but guess what happens as soon as I bring the brand new pen near the tablet. SAME. EXACT. ISSUE.
I'm not idiot, I figured by now that there must be something wrong with the tablet and I already submitted it the customer support. Thing is, as I said, the pen has always been kept safe. I even wiped it down gently with a baby wipe and dried it with a paper towel right before using it. I've never it dropped it, bumped it into anything or let anything bad happen to it because I don't have a warranty [couldn't afford it when I went to staples] and I paid my good money to use it, not let it sit in a box in my closet, wondering what went wrong. The worst there is is a small scratch my cat did to get my attention, but that didn't happen until after all the first time everything started acting weird.
I don't have enough money to buy a new one since I'm in college and don't have a job yet, but I need to be able to use the pen 1; because I already bought it and don't want to let any money go to waste after something that happened earlier and 2; I have high blood pressure issues and draw to relieve stress, but turning my traditional art into digital is tedious and I don't particularly like the way it looks now, but my scanner isn't the best, so it's the only way to get decent-looking art online and keep something worth looking at on my computer just in case of something terrible happening.
Please, please someone tell me there's a way to get this fixed that won't break my budget too badly or at all.