Israel Blockades Lebanon

And just why can't you wipe out a terror group? If you kill all the members of any group, aren't they then 'wiped out'?

Obviously, the situation is a little more complicated than that. After all, Hezbollah has operational cells throughout Western Europe and the US which Israel obviously can't get at. However, understanding the nature of terrorist cell structure, Israel can by killing the majority of the 'middle managment' render the group more or less ineffective. Without the conduits of information, there are no orders, no directives, and no logistics. Smash that network of links, and the outer cells wither on the vine, or go independent and expose themselves in order to get what they need to operate.
Because you cannot wipe them out, the same as you cannot wipe out gangs.

Apart from killing everyone in the world, you cannot wipe them out.

Nor can you kill all of the management, as evidenced by Bin Laden, Zawahiri etc...
Hmmm - the only issue I see with this is that it's remarkably similar to the same situation the US had with the Vietcong... and we all know how swell that went. Classic conventional war against guerilla insurgents - doomed to failure.

As has been said ad infinitum - every time Israel wipes out a group of children while hunting for Hezbollah they exponentially increase the amount of recruits ready and willing to take up Hezbollah's cause.
How is it a cop out to ask Israel to use their heads as opposed to their guns?

The pen is mightier than the sword, yet Israel refuses to accept that.

I am not suggesting they bribe their enemies, I am suggesting they earn the friendship of those who are not their enemies.

Essentially Hezbollah and Israel are competing for the support of the Arab world, and Israel is not even trying to earn their support.

Do not barter with your enemies, barter with everyone else so that your enemies are all alone.
Notice, he said Israel was targeting near them due to tactical necessity.

So, even though Kofi Annan says Hezbollah was nowhere near them and the Israeli's intentionally targeted the UN observers and murdered them, the guy on the ground says that it is the exact opposite. I wonder which one I would believe?

Here is the part that I think you were mentioning. Fortunately, the guy saying this was right there and saw it happen so we know exactly what happened and it couldn't have been a case where the guy that sent the email saying what was happening to them before they died would be right. Oh wait, the UN official wasn't there, because if he was, he would have been dead too. So it seems like he is parroting his boss who has been shown to be wrong.
You haven't answered my question: why can't you kill them all? Are they immortal, have some magic shield that stops bullets or something? Look at the Zarqawi group in Iraq. No, they aren't gone, but killing Zarqawi was a crippling blow that has hamstrung his organization. Not because we got one guy, but because there were over 40 other raids in conjunction with the one that got Zarqawi that killed or captured a great number of his cell leaders. The cells can't talk to each other and no one is giving orders or direction. It will take time to re-establish the necessary links for them to function right again, and in that time we continue to take down cells. The insurgency is not over, the fighting continues, but Al Qaida in Iraq has been reduced to a bit player. The same can be done to Hezbollah.
err.. hunh?!

I think we can agree that the vast majority of Arab nations aren't exactly big fans of Israel. So I don't really think they're going to gain too many friends no matter how good the PR campaign is. Israel has had problems since it's inception... and it always will. It will never know peace. Doesn't matter that the major super power of the world is involved... not one iota. The US has back Israel to the tune of billions since about the '30s and it hasn't stopped anyone from lining up to fight Israel for one cause or another.

Thus... I think we can safely assume that Israel for the forseeable future is going to be surrounded by those less than friendly countries and there are never going to be a shortage of people with the money, the means and the intent to attack Israel.
Because you know that if they don't take action, they will be killed. So far, no one has come up with a suggestion that even remotely smacks of using their head that will prevent Israel's eradication if they don't use their weapons to defend themselves.

You really don't understand strategy at all. You don't understand the people at all. Nothing Israel does will gain them the undying friendship of the people around them. Building a hospital for every person in the area, won't be nearly enough.

The reason you seek to seperate your enemies is so that you can eliminate. How you get the idea that you seperate your enemies so that they are alone is enough, I don't know.
Wrong, Al Quadi in Iraq is doing quite fine.

In fact the number of attacks have increased since then...not very effective.
I think you misunderstand me. I am advocating Israel goes after the Lebanese people, and the Middle East in general in an atempt to earn their friendship. Newer generations question their precrusors actions all of the time, Israel needs to give them a reason to say "hey, why attack Israel". Instead Israel gives the older generations that hate them ammunition to use to convince the new generations.
The same thing happens every time Hezbollah carries out a successful attack. Non-action creates as many new recruits as action, so what's the difference except action reduces the net gain for Hezbollah?

I agree that classic conventional warfare is not the best way to fight guerillas. However, it would be wrong to say the VietCong weren't shattered after Tet. They won the public opinion and the war with the Tet offensive, but in the process crippled their fighting ability for years to come. Had Tet backfired in the American sphere of public opinion, the VC would've been in a world of hurt. There's an excellent documentary that runs on the History channel where former VC coofftopicnders say just that. For the first couple weeks, they actually considered Tet to be a major failure. It wasn't until news reports from America started trickling in that the VC realized they had scored a major victory.
Wrong, babies are not born hating Israel as you suggest. Thus Israel can do something about it, simply saying that they will always hate them is a cop out.

I fully understand that the key is to seperate your enemies from everyone else, and then take them out or take out their capability to hurt you. Never said it wasn't, instead Israel is grouping their enemies with everyone else.
I think you should probably read up regarding the changes in demographics in Lebanon. This is not the Lebanon of 10 or even 15 or 20 years ago. The muslim population has risen dramatically in Lebanon over the past 10 years... and they are primarily poor Shi'ite muslims - they have little to lose and everything to gain by going heads up with Israel. The Hezbollah have massive popular support in Lebanon.

The Middle East 'in general' has no use for Israel. The US props them up with taxpayer dollars because it gives us a foothold in the region. If Israel was in Antartica - do you really think the US administrations would give a rat's ass what they do?
He is saying at the time of the killing. Either that, or if you are correct and he is referring to the previous ones, he is calling the dead Major, a bald faced liar.

The UN official wasn't there, they had prior knowledge that Hezbollah was using this tactic illegally. Why didn't the UN give them the means to defend themselves or pull them out? The guy who was killed, said that Hezbollah was knowingly using them as a shield. To assume that the day of heavy fighting did not continue the use of them as a shield is ridiculous. At best, it sounds like they want to not point out that their leader was wrong when he accused Israel of murder. At worst, it means they are trying to cover up their negligence which was partly to blame for the deaths of the observers.
Hezbollah does NOT have massive support in Lebanon, they were a minority before the current war.

The Middle East has no use for Israel, because Israel has never given them one. Israel is happy giving them all the propganda they need, without making an effort to counter it. Instead they rely on the U.S support so they do not have to deal with the problem.
I didn't say that babies are born hating Israel. But, for many, the hate is pretty well indoctrinated before they ever attend school.
The stakes are high for Hizbullah, but it seems it can count on an unprecedented swell of public support that cuts across sectarian lines.According to a poll released by the Beirut Center for Research and Information, 87 percent of Lebanese support Hizbullah's fight with Israel, a rise of 29 percent on a similar poll conducted in February. More striking, however, is the level of support for Hizbullah's resistance from non-Shiite communities. Eighty percent of Christians polled supported Hizbullah along with 80 percent of Druze and 89 percent of Sunnis.