Israel Blockades Lebanon

Perhaps you could explain that map a little. It sounds like you are saying that the only things getting hit are those items.

According to some Israelis I spoke to about 6 years or so ago, the financial situation was getting bad.

Good job they have a blank checkbook from America then
Medi, insults I can take but an accusation of being middle class is fighting talk where I'm from

Hope you're not referring to me
You could just look at the map and the information contained within.

I was highlighting some of the targets that I consider to be purely targeted to destroy the infrastructure of Lebanon, with little bearing on the goal of eradicating Hezbollah.
The problem is you don't show all the attacks thus it lacks context and makes it look like that is all they are attacking, which is obviously not the case.
So bottle factories, sewage works, tissue paper factory & 5000 private homes are usual targets

Maybe the Israelis are testing those bunker buster bombs for the US government.

Sorry the guys at lockheed Martin, silly me I got the two confused with so many Lockheed Martin people involved in the US government and all that

Oh wait for it.....could that be the Lockheed Martin that clinched an 18million dollar contract with the IDF in January this year.

Well, well. Funny how things turn out eh?
complementary tin foil hats are to your left. the kool aid is on the table at the back.

by the way, did you know the Chanel perfume company has numerous contracts with the US military? fascinating what some companies can contribute.
The tactics of the Mujahedin have not changed essentially, just evolved as the tactical situation has changed. As far as they are concerned, there is no difference between the "terrorist" actions of a homicide bombing or the use of guerilla warfare tactics. Both are part of the war Jihadist have declared on the West, and we should listen to their words and treat them as if we are war with them because they are definately at war with us.
Gajah this really is an over-simplification of what happened, and I suspect you know that. After the Soviet withdraw, the various warlords turned on each other. Refugees, defeated fighters, and Arab mujahedin fled to Pakistan, where they were re-indoctrinated in Wahhabi Islam, and organized by Pakistani intelligence into what became the Taliban. Many of the warlords America had sponsored were actually the ones driven out by the Taliban. This is not to say America did not help to create the situation that gave rise to the Taliban; in fact we did by withdrawing support for those tribal warlords and basically leaving them high and dry when they needed us to repulse the Taliban. The Clinton administration didn't deem continued American involvement in what was essentially a civil war as in America's interests, so what followed was Taliban victory and of course you're familiar with how that worked out.
We didn't have to teach them this; they were already running Mao's playbook step by step when we started giving them weapons. In case you haven't noticed, the US isn't all that good at Guerilla warfare; at least not at the level the Mujahedin were in some of the ruggedest country in the world.
If you're assuming you didn't know, they you would not be describing the situation in Southern Lebanon accurately in your analogy. These people know.
MaverickZ, aside from infantile comments the only contribution you seem to have made to the thread is that the US military gets discounted perfume

You're a little late to pop accross to Guyana & drink the Koolade

Wait for this, I'm going to agree with DC

Yes indeed the withdrawal of US support left the gap that was filled with Wahabism. I remember in North Pakistan in '92 there were a lot of, I suppose 'out of work' Mujahadeem about. After 13 odd years of knowing nothing but fighting Soviets these guys were easy targets for Wahabism. Many were also making a living by smuggling ganja & opium

But I think we must really learn to make a distinction between 'everyday' Muslims who are no different from 'everyday' anyone else's in the world...and fanatics, terrorists and to a degree fundamentalists.

As I have oft said, we cannot judge Catholicism by the actions of the IRA therefore neither can we judge Muslims by the actions of fanatics.

I am not saying Islamic fanaticism does not exist-my wife has the scars & several dead friends to prove it does! But in my experience the majority of Muslims have little time for it.

Of course there are certain areas of the world that have a higher degree of fanaticism due to historical reasons. However, is this Islam? Are they really religious issues or is that just the convenient veneer?

One thing for sure is Israels actions will certainly increase the threat of Islamic terrorism for everyone. Muslims, Christians, Jews, Hindus and Athiests.
GS, do you have ANY idea how many times I've gone through this tired old decomposing horse of an arguement. It's not worth any real effort, for reasons I've outlined much earlier.
Hey Gajah Silat, so if the majority of Muslims 'have little time' for terrorists (from your post), why don't they actively put an end to it. Not just the rhetoric from religious/community leaders saying that they 'condemn violence'.

The violence continues (London bombing, Spain bombing, Bombay, Bali, New York, embassies around the world and so on...). And yes, religion is used as the reason (through various media broadcast/confirmations from religious leaders and groups) so that's what the rest of the world thinks.
I realistically think that the majority of Muslims do oppose the terrorists. Yet it does seem that the community could do more to oppose them, and yet they don't seem to.
Its sad that a whole community is being punished for the acts of a minority but the fact is nothing seems to have been done by this community in the last few years to curb these acts. In the eyes of the rest of the world, the failure to act is viewed as approval/acceptance by this community.

Prominent muslim clerics in Australia called for muslims to be tried in their own court a while ago. It was a contentious issue but was rejected by the Australian government. I wonder what the punishment for terrorist acts are under Islamic law? Anyone know?
What about the people in Beirut who are being killed by cluster bombs, they probably have no idea why they were being bombed.