Israel Blockades Lebanon

I actually tried to find one for Baby Mohaofftopicd (Althopugh Iam aware that Jesus and Mohaofftopicd are not equivalant in the 2 faiths it's the closes I can get) but couldn't find it, I'm sure theres one out there somewhere...
Oh well... I can see where this is all going so I will take my leave..

Watch the news boys and girls.. we'll see what gwan soon enough!
Do you people only come out from under your rock when Israel crosses a border? Look this is real simple: No Hezbollah, no reason for Israel to be in Lebanon. In other words, Israel wouldn't be fighting in southern Lebanon today if Hezbollah did not exist. The IDF would be in Israel. Why is that so hard to understand?
Ok, ok... I'm leaving after this one... look at the context that I posted that in..

Hint: Its meant to take the piss out of your narrow minded thinking.. I already stated my views on Israel..

ok.. now I'm gone..
You see this post? This post is where people stopped listening to other people. Sure they read other peoples posts but no-one has actually changed their opinion based on this thread, basically everything you said in this thread was a waste of time.
well they had direct communication with the iserali army and was told on 4 occasions the bombing near them would stop. should they have assumed the isreali army was just going to keep bombing even tho they gave thier location to the army and the army driectly said they would stop.
I think its the other way around, SA and Israel has the US on a leash. It seems everytime they make a request, our politicians are lining up to grant it. Saudi Arabia I can understand, at least they have something we need in oil, but Israel? I just don't get it. Other than our old guilt from WWII, why we cowtow to them whenever they call.
I mentioned the disproportionate amount of influence, wealth and power among American Jews earlier.

Kind of strange don't you think? The US seems to be completely at the mercy of an ethnic minority and a 'tin pot' state in the Middle East
i gotta say i do not agree with your logic here. lets leave *the american jews* out of this discussion because i think it clouds the issue and your point is essentially baseless.

when i hear people going on about how isreal is like the nazies or they influence american policy i have to agree that some of you are as bad as these right wing nut jobs.
The United Nations General Assembly of Resolution 3379 in November 1975, declared that "Zionism is a form of racism."

I think the point is very relevant. Without the 'Jewish Lobby' as it is often referred to in the US, I doubt the American support for Israel would be so absolute!

I don't understand how stating that Jews are a large political & economic powerbase in the US has anything to do with Nazis It is simply a fact, feel free to research it yourself.

I have also been very careful to only quote Israeli or Jewish academics and journalists, lest I be accused of Anti-Semetism.

Now, the fact of the matter is America's global agenda is heavily influenced by Zionists, both Jewish and Christian.

Being in essense an Anti-Zionist does not constitute Anti-Semetism, after all there are even Jewish Anti-Zionist organisations.

Why should religious texts written between the 5th & 2nd century BC give an absolute authority of land ownership over all inhabitants in the area? And why would one superpower blindly support and finance this religion based notion at any cost?

And this is what Bush, Blair and many Americans believe...

Christian Zionism is the belief among some Christians that the return of the Jews to the Holy Land, and the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, is in accordance with Biblical prophecy, and is a necessary prerequisite for the return of Jesus to reign on Earth. This belief is commonly, though not exclusively, associated with a portion of evangelical Protestants, mainly in English-speaking countries outside Europe.

This is what US foriegn policy with regard to Israel is based on

It's quite obvious who the real nutcases are
Because that's how it started in Germany. Make a irrelevant factoid seem relevant.

That a larger percentage of Jews than the rest of the population is represented in the government only indicates that a) we tend to gravitate towards professions that lead to governmnt service, and b) we are underrepresented in other sectors.

Jews are still a minority in government in general.
It is a fact and entirely relevant and has nothing whatsoever to do with Nazi Germany

This is the problem and one of the reasons Israel can literally 'get away with murder'.

Any criticism, or lets face it discussion that is not pro Israeli usualy results in some kind of 'that's how it started in Nazi Germany' type of comment. I've heard it all before

Sorry mate it just doesn't wash with me

Yes, the holocaust was an abhoration to humankind, and I would never ever belittle the importance of those terrible events.

However, it is not relevant to Irsraels acts in the past few weeks. Nor does it justify them
Maybe because Israel was occupying Lebanon and Hezbollah played a major part in kicking them out.......

So if Hezbollah had never been created, there is a large chance Israel would sitll be occupying Lebanon.(Which they intend to do anyways, so I guess it doesn't matter)
Using a historical context (WWII) to validate the jewish actions would be the same as using another historical context (slavery) to validate the black organizations call for reparations. They are both ridiculous.