Israel Blockades Lebanon

Convienient how you point that out after disregarding the Palestinian leader who recruited an entire division of SS soldiers for Hitler in one of the earlier threads.

As does every soverign gov't of the world. The problem is, Hezbollah is not a soverign gov't. Hezbollah is a terrorist group with the stated goal of destroying Israel.

The only land they've 'stolen' was land of strategic value taken during war as a means of preventing further attacks from the nations that ganged up and tried to destroy Israel. The only Palestinian children they shoot, are ones throwing rocks at them in an attempt to kill them. The only homes they bulldoze are the homes of homicide bombers who have killed Israelis. If you shoot rockets at my family from youf back deck, have your kids throw rocks at me, and try to blow up my children at the bus-stop, you'll be lucky if all I do shoot your family and burn down you're house. I damn sure aren't going to invite you to dinner so we can 'talk' about it though.
Apparently, because the idea that someone can find humor in using Nazism as part of a joke escapes me.
Hey dude; I like England. Let's not flatten it right away, there's all kinds of decent people there. And unlike Lebanon, they don't allow an extra-governmental entity to shoot rockets at us or kidnap our citizens.
as long as its not the 'maryland' cookies..



although i doubt very much they are made there..
I guess Maryland's global popularity level has dropped. But, it does looks like a nice place to visit.
Ok, normally I'm the bastion of "Go America" and yes, I really do walk around singing the "America..F**k yeah" song from Team America World Police. But I have to tell you, that after years of living in Europe, when I got back to the States I just couldn't believe the sheer number or size of all the fat people here. Maybe we can sponsor a University study to determine which will kill you first: the West cigarettes that seem to be issued in lieu of your European Union ID cards or McDonald's supersized fries.
I must admit the idea of 'supersize' appealed to me but after trying one supersized' meal i really felt sick...good job really as i've only eaten 'fast food' twice in the last year now..

On topic

War, conflict is crap and i doubt i could kill someone but i suppose someone trying to kill me or my family would put a different take on it.

Someone has to do the job and i give thanks that the armed forces around the world that prevent me having to do that, not a job i want.

Before this thread i knew luittle about the conflick other than it had been going on for ages.

My opinion is, terrorist organisation care little for human life including there supporters therefore i care nowt for them..

This thread is 55 pages long, so I'm not going back to double check; but I don't think I made any jokes or humorus references to children of any ethnicity being shot. Prove me wrong, and I'll apologize loudly and publicly.
Sankaku-jime: For example if I bought a sandwich from Marks and Spencers the profits could be used to buy a bullet that kills a Palestinian or Lebanese child.

DCombatives: Really? How do I order a hundred sandwiches? Do you have a link?"
A couple of questions, and I'm not baiting you either, but why should the US sacrifice its sons, of which I have three, for a nation that could care less about us? If Saddam was such a threat to his own people, why didn't the other arab nations who lived right there, try to remove him? Why should I let a politician, who has no risk or sacrifice in a war, decide to send my sons to their death because of 'foreign policy'? Its easy for someone to support a war when they don't have to fight it. Who decided we should be the world police and kill off our children for a nation like Israel or Lebanon or Iraq or whoever....

Secondly, whats your position on the DU issue? I don't know your background, but I'm intimately involved with the military and would like you to share your thoughts, either pro or against....
Saddam lost the war he started with Iran in that it was a stalemate. Iran was not strong enough to remove him.

Kuwait was successfully invaded by Saddam

Saudia Arabia asked for our help denying Osama Bin Laden the chance to do it. This upset Osama Bin Laden alot and is one of his gripes with the US.

Syria is also run by the same political party as Saddam was.

UAE is small much like Kuwait.

Osama Bin Laden was the only Arab with a milita willing to do it.
By saying this I pretty much threw out the idea Saddam and Bin Laden were in kahoots on 9/11.

As for the politican, don''t vote for him. Or let your kids come to their own decision. Its a volunteer force.
If your sons don't want politicians to decide when and where they fight, why did they join the military?
Where as Firecoins supplied a simplistic answer to your question, I'll give you a better one. The other Arab leaders were smart enough to know that Iraq had three ethnic groups that rarely got along together. Anyone who overthrew Saddam would be faced with the aftermath. They were frightened that Saddam's replacement might create more instability in the region so they put up with him. Of course Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, & Rice knew better than them.
Wow DC.. I’m not sure how your mind works, but I don’t get it..

Its really quite simple… Israel is in the middle east, surrounded by neighbors that it has been pissing off since its been around. If Israel does not stop pissing off its neighbors, and in fact escalates its “pissing off”, as it is currently doing, then its neighbors will sooner or later destroy it. Without a peaceful effort on Israel’s part, it is merely sowing the seeds of its own destruction.

I don’t think you really have any concept of Islam. Basically, it operates on a very similar level to Judaism, i.e. the “we’re all in it together” attitude. Sure, there are internal conflicts as well, but these amount to nothing when facing the traditional enemy, that enemy being Judaism. In other words, Israel is stirring things up with the whole of the middle east. I think this conflict has much bigger implications than you realize.

Firstly, it is impossible to destroy Hezbollah, the more Israel tries, the greater Hezbollah’s ranks swell, and the deeper underground it goes. As long as Israel exists there will always be support for Hezbollah, Israel has been pissing off its neighbors in the middle east far too long. If you want to destroy Hezbollah, you will have to wipe out the majority of Shia Muslims, that means most of Iran, Iraq, Syria and various smaller regions throughout the middle east.

Secondly, if this conflict continues, it is quite likely that other middle eastern countries will join in, this in turn can drag many more in to conflict, and soon enough you have a massive multi national conflict. All this because Israel is given free reign by the US, and I think everyone can see this except you, furthermore this is even more obvious to the majority of Muslims who hold both US and Israel in contempt.

If you think something positive for the middle east can be achieved by Israel’s offensive you are kidding yourself.

Edit: Some interesting points in relation to the aforemntioned issues raised in this article:
I don't really know enough about DU to give you an intelligent answer. On the one hand, I favor anything that will slice thru enemy armor; on the other, I don't really trust the gov't or contractors to be 100% honest about the effects. When a contractor tells me something is 100% foolproof, that's usually a good indication that it either doesn't really work or is hazardous in some way.

As to the foreign policy question, there's a couple things you said I agree with, and a couple I disagree with. The answer to you is there's a balance we should be striving for; one I don't think we have. At some level, the US needs to be engaged in world events in order to keep low-level crisises low-level or more importantly, non-events for US citizens. On the other, I don't think we should be playing world policeman. Let the Europeans spend the kind of money we do on defense and protect their interests themselves for example. With Iraq, again, I have mixed feelings. The fact the man tried to kill a sitting US president was good enough for me say let's eliminate Saddam. I still don't understand how anyone can say they believe in what it says in the Declaration of Independence and be opposed to toppling a dictator. At the same time, I don't know if we should really be engaged in nation building in an area of the world where we simply don't understand the culture. You can't force Western institutions upon a non-Western culture and expect them to work like they do here.
I know, which again, given the context of what you were laughing at speaks volumes about your character. If you found that funny at my expense, that's fine; I have pretty thick skin and tend to engage in self-depreciating humor quite a bit. However, you finding this particular 'joke' funny indicates to me either a lack of maturity or a twisted sense of integrity. Either way, your comment is disturbing.
DC, As Wild Pitch already demonstrated (quoted above), I think its quite reasonable to laugh at jokes comparing you to a Nazi if you make statements implying that you would be proud to support the murder of Lebanese children.
