Israel Blockades Lebanon

They are bombing the Lebanese public when the Lebanese government have no say over the actions of Hezbollahs militia. Its ridiculous to say that it is justified, the Lebanese government has called for a ceasefire so the situation can be resolved peacefully, but the Israelis have refused and have threatened military action against Syria as well. Even the great crusader George Bush has called for Israel not to weaken the Lebanese governments infrastructure.

I would be extremely disappointed if the UN does not take action to stop this conflict before the entire region finds itself at war.
and that makes it right?

Well I guess thats justified 9/11, so what are the Americans complaining about.
do me a favour, if your going to quote me then do it properly, so i can respond.

The IRA, didnt they agree to give up arms once they had seats in parliment? i thought they were bombing while they were NOT members of the government?

Now they are, the bombs seemed to have stopped, also the death count is a lot smaller than these suicide bombs etc.
Does it say in my post it makes it right? which words effectivly describe what you have stated?
I think you'll find the analogy fits perfectly well. The British Government or the NI Assembly could not control the IRA, in the same way that the Lebanese government could not control Hezbollahs militia.

I would be amazed if the IRA's kill count is not higher than Hezbollahs suicide bombers count. Please, provide some evidence.
SJ: and there was me thinking that the slaughter of innocents civilians was Inherently evil

K: Your joking? its happened for centuries and i doubt it will ever stop.

So SJ proposes that killing civilians is evil, you ask if he's joking. Sounds like you were saying it is justifiable to me.
Dont Hezbollah already have seats in their government and are still continuing with terroist actions? the IRA were terrorist before they had seats.

sorry, you do the donkey work if you want it, i'm not some lacky for you!
asking "your Joking" as a retorical question is justifying how?

Come on guys at least give a good argument about the situation, all you are doing now is trying to question me personally and not the situation, you wont change the way i think so dont try, please try to keep to the subject and not me ladies!!!
a lot of Israeli civilians will die in the backlash though, peace is the only way forward, but Israel and Hezbollah are too tied up in their little war games to realise this.
Put the question in context and the inference is quite clear. It indicates you disagree with the prior statement, which means you dont think killing civilians is evil, which must mean you think it is right.

I dont expect you to change your mind.

Perhaps you should get together with DCombatives and congratulate Israel on attacking the terrorist scum, like the one below.
I get the feeling that there is more to this than meets the eye, Israel must hope to gain something from starting a War, quite what this I am not yet sure, possible another land grab ?
It seems this situation has been reduced to some simple types of arguements when it is actually quite comlex.

To suofftopicrize, elements of Hamas are close to cutting a deal with Fatah to negotiate with Israel which puts the vision of peace on the horizon & we all sing "kumbaya". But wait, there are rejectionist elements of Hmas who don't want to see this happen so they snatch an Israeli soldier and kill a couple others in the process. BTW, the leadership for the rejectionist wing of Hamas lives in a comfy residence in Damascus. Any chance of a deal is scuttled. The Israelis do what they do best and punish Hamas. They try to send a message that supporting these militant elements is not a positive thing or just call it mass punishment.

To take some of the Israeli heat off the Gaza Strip and put more heat on Israel, Hezbollah snatches a couple Israeli soldiers & kills a few in the process. Hezbollah is supported by Tehran & Damascus and don't think they didn't do this without a green light from their sponsors.

Lots of Lebanese have no use for Hezbollah but Hezbollah controls large portions of the country. Why not disarm & defang Hezbollah? Well, no one really wants to see another Lebanese civil war. They did that once and some on this forum may be old enough to remember how bad it was. The Syrians stepped in and imposed control. Seeing as how the Syrians sort of just got pushed out of Lebanon, no one wants to see them come back.

Anyways, the Israelis do what they do best and attack Lebanon. You can argue about their strategy & how effective it is but in the end it is what it is.

It is important to keep in mind that Tehran & Damascus have a hand in this. It is almost as if a proxy for Iran (Hezbollah) is fighting a proxy for the United States (Israel). Iran destabilizes the region and exerts more control on events. The Egyptians & Jordanians scramble to try and defuse things before it gets even more out of control. Most of Lebanon watches helplessly. The pressure on the Iranian nuclear issue eases as the focus turns to Isael & Lebanon. There is a whole lot more to this than Israel exercising their right to self defense or being a bully. It will be interesting to watch the events unfold. Oh yeah, the price of oil is going to go up even though Lebanon doesn't have any...
Are you mad!
Attacking the innocent masses for the actions of a few militants is not justified.
On top of that, it is stupid, because oppression has never been shown to work.
Where did i say its right? i said it happens.

Good lad.

try to keep away from the heart strings, doent cut the mustard sorry.

So you are in agreement with this terrorist scum then? you are saying what they are doing is ok???

Lebonese based militants??

first use of suicide bombers originated in Hizbollah

IRA death toll, upto 2005

couldnt find a firm site for Hizbollah death toll, although at least 290 were killed in one go and as you can see from above they are pro suicide bombing.

This site shows how they kiled their own civillians, look at the one throwing BABIES out of a burning window.

so pleas edont throw up pictures of a girl trying to tugheart srings. stick to bare basicfact. at least i can respect you argument then.
Yes this is a shame, no one should die from war, but then like i said, its been going on for years!
interesting post, although i believe the influence of Tehran & Damascus is largely speculative. Hezbollah in Lebannon are quite capable of acting on there own.