Isn't this a silly thing to argue over?


New member
May 24, 2011
My brothers and I are multiracial.Our father is Half-Armenian,1/4 Dominican,and 1/4 Puerto Rican.His father raised him in Iran.Our mother is black,her complexion is like a dark Hershey bar.Our father speaks French,a little Spanish,Armenian,and Farsi is his main language.He taught my brothers and I to be fluent like him.Our paternal grandfather funded our education at a private Armenian language school.It was just our father and us for the longest,because our mother was in the Army and traveled.
Our father taught us Farsi and that's all we speak at home.He prevented us from learning english and eventually we didn't want to anyhow.We learned some,but that was just for school.Our father is fair skinned,dark auburn hair,and bright blue eyes.I am the spitting image of him.My twin brother has dirty blond hair and light eyes.My other brothers all have light brown hair and light eyes,too.We are all of fair complexion.
My mother had some kids before she was married.All mixed with some kind of spanish.Some are light skinned with good hair and light eyes.Two are brown and their hair is kind of nappy(I'm trying to be nice.).They say my brothers and i are "color crazy" and don't treat people who are darker than us nicely.
I'll admit my father told us not to play with black kids and don't even consider dating someone who is darker than me.But that isn't their business!I think they are jealous,because they're jealous that we had a better upbringing.
Our mother is always trying to take us to places with a lot of black people,but we won't go.If she wants to go over there with those people that's her business.We stay in our nice suburban home where it's safe to stick our heads out the door.She only comes to visit us twice a year anyhow.
I really hope that you are trolling. If not you should really take a good hard look at yourself and realize how stupid you sound. You shouldn't date people darker then you? You shouldn't play with black kids? Yea i am black but i am not nearly as dark as my avatar. I am just shy of light skinned. I know plenty of people who make fun of other people for being dark. Its called self hatred. Whether you like it or not you are half black. How dark someone is shouldn't matter to you. The prettiest girl i ever dated was super dark.

And race has nothing to do with the safety of your neighborhood. Its obvious that you hate your own race. And that is really really sad.

EDIT: I am not part white. I am full jamaican.
Nasir Jones:
Exactly. You're part white. That's why you have an IQ higher than 80. Honestly, have you ever known a pure n1gg3r to have an IQ greater than 80? I have not. The average is probably lower than studies show, though. The ones tested probably stole IQ test results from retarded white kids.