Isn't it loony? The Libs are STILL whining about Bush. Isn't the mental disease of?

Why are you still whining about the libs whining? The idiot known as Dubya guaranteed a democratic President. The current clown race for the GOP nominee is going to allow for Obomber's second term.
They are so silly. Who in the world would blame the arsonist when the fire turns out to be worse than everyone originally thought?
He destroyed the economy..and ran up the debt....the economy hasnt recovered..the debt hasn't been paid

of course we're complaining about him
well, 3/4 of conservatives defend Cain's sexual harassment cases by bringing up Clinton. try to comprehend this.....Clinton has been out of the presidency LONGER than Bush.
Funny thing is I see more conservatives whining about liberals whining about Bush than liberals whining about Bush.