Isn't it funny how christians have to tell each other not to use certain arguments?


New member
Mar 3, 2013
Like the moon dust argument. Every christian argument is based on either opinions they try to pass off as facts, or loosely based on something everyone knows and they just add "it must've been god!".

Are there any arguments i should avoid using as an atheist, or are they all pretty much based on logic and facts?
I've never heard the moon dust argument. Looks irrelevant to me.But there definitely is one argument that should be avoided;everything on the world and in the universe just happened to be created all on their own by pure coincidence. :itching:Man that coincidence thing sure has a powerful intelligence !

:close look:
Some of us are very mentally unbalanced, while others, like myself, are reasonable. We try to restrain the crazy ones because they make us all look bad,