Isn't it annoying how fashion trends change so quickly?


New member
Jun 13, 2009
Like fashion trends at my school are CONSTANTLY chaning! And I can't even keep up with them because I don't even have any money for shopping yet. ._.

Am I the only one who finds this annoying?
that's why no matter wat i tend to stay with my own fashion trends;_ylt=AhuNTSjsBDIuwFCzk7oLChfsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090908190529AAbGvrm
I dress how I want, whether or not it's trendy. Most trends suck anyway so to answer your question no I do not find that annoying.
I don't find it annoying, because I don't follow the trends.

I wear things that look good, but never go out of style. The basics.

Jeans, T-shirt.
not really, ppl here cant make up their minds, just start something then make it ur style ppl dont like when u dont have style, i have my own unique style, nobody copies it, they wouldnt know how to