Is this guy gay or just not interested in me?


New member
Oct 11, 2009
I was set up with a gorgeous guy. He's a hair stylist at the same salon that I get my hair done at.

The dates seemed to have went well (he was crazy about me after every single one, texting a ton, telling me how beautiful/great I was, how he couldn't stop talking/thinking about me...) but now, out of the blue, he's stopped calling, and I'm left asking why. Maybe he did find another girl but there were a few things that set off my "gay-dar."

You be the judge: (I know that none of them are definite signs and some are totally normal for straight men...)

- He has a tramp stamp that he calls his "champ stamp"
- Dresses what I thought was "metro" but my friends swear that it screams otherwise-- v-neck t-shirts, long necklaces, girlish jeans...
- He has a bin of shoes (multiple pairs of white loafers)
- He told me that he rearranges his furniture every two weeks
- He talked (for ten minutes) about how he thinks a large plant would look excellent in his living area
- Burns sage to keep the spirits away
- When we were out, him and a guy friend at the bar were laughing about how they had kissed outside a different bar the weekend before "Didn't you kiss me last week?!" "oh yeah, hahahaha..."
- When he went to the bathroom, an old friend approached me and said "I would swear that your date was gay..."
- After he introduced me to a female friend and her friend, I overheard her friend saying "You have to squash that quick"
- Hung all over me in front of his friends (maybe was trying to use me to be like "Hey guys! Look! I like women!" ??
- He seemed a bit confused with the female anatomy, and at 30, I would think that he would know where things are...
- "Two pump chump" basically sums up the rest of that experience... and our experience the next morning. (Maybe just not used to a female?)
- Feminine screams upon climaxing... Umm... I haven't been with many guys so maybe I just missed something...
- His mannerisms are quite feminine... we dance the same, he does the "oh my GODDDD" thing many of my female friends do..
- Talked about his new male personal trainer for what seemed like a little too long...

I don't know. What do you think? I'm sure there are other possibilities : just lost interest, embarrassed by what happened in bed, found someone else, is confused, depressed, etc.

Any other possibilities?

I'm totally still going there to get my hair done :)
Thanks in advance!

(I'm 22, he's 30)
yes, big age difference.
yes, he has the signs.
He may be trying to hide his sexuality and it isn't working for him.
Talk to him. Getting closer is healthy.
That's quite an age gap for one. But he could be gay. And maybe he's insecure about it, so is still trying to date girls. But at the same time, you do not know until you ask.
lol, he doesn't treat you very nicely and he sounds kinda narcissistic.

and come on a CHAMP STAMP.. that is the lamest thing i ever heard.
that area is the most feminine place to place a tattoo just saying.

i wouldn't be able to say because i dont know him in real life.
but id think hes gay.

even the way he talked to you didn't seem very attracted