is this girl not interested in me?

Wel it sounds like the previous week she was trying to make an effort to open up to u because she liked u and seems very shy and reserved. U said she stared at u after class, she was probably lookong for some sort of hint tht u liked her. When she didnt feel like she got tht hint, she tried her best to seem like she was no longer interested even though she still is and u seem to be too. Next time u see her, she will probably act the same as in trying to be uncaring when she rlly is. So, just try to ignore her coverup and give her ur number. Im sure things will work out in the end
Actually she does seem interested, but shes the shy type. esp snce she keeps looking @ u lol major giveaway. I'm the same when im around boys im interested in. quiet, reserved, nervous. nervousness is actually the hallmark of a crush. she just needs time to get used to her feelings around you. keep talking to her but do it at her and ur own pace.
if u tried looking bored and " saving your face" towards me i would have been pretty pissed, i hate it wen guys do tht, i call those guys jerks. She is probably upset and it seems like she is hiding something. You should try to pull a move and try to make her comfortable cuz wat u dd at the end probably made her evn more nervous
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I think she likes you but something was scaring her a bit. Try to talk to her more and when the time is right ask her out.

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its not that shes not interested in you... i would actually say that she is very interested in you but is very shy...dont ignore her or pretend that she doesnt exist..try to talk to her more and smile a lot..she will eventually open up to you..but the remember the reason shes acting like this is because shes shy so pay attention to her:p hope that helps good luck:)
she is probably... girls are shy though. Worst case if you ask her out she will say no, but be very flattered... GO FOR IT!!!
Judging on my thinking, I'd say that she is into you just appearing shy. if I were you I'd get serious with myself and just ask her out.

Another thought is something probably happened to her on that day that she may looked that she wasn't into you based on her actions. Give her some time to get back at herself.

But best of all just ask her out and hear what she has to say.
Judging on my thinking, I'd say that she is into you just appearing shy. if I were you I'd get serious with myself and just ask her out.

Another thought is something probably happened to her on that day that she may looked that she wasn't into you based on her actions. Give her some time to get back at herself.

But best of all just ask her out and hear what she has to say.
This girl likes you.

She's nervous because
a) she takes a while to get comfortable around new people
b) she's not used to talking to guys/having guys interested in her
c) she's naturally shy

or perhaps a combination of the above.

Keep talking to her, keep persisting. Trying IMing her or texting her (get her number!). She'll probably be more comfortable communicating that way and eventually be comfortable talking to you face to face as well.
This girl likes you.

She's nervous because
a) she takes a while to get comfortable around new people
b) she's not used to talking to guys/having guys interested in her
c) she's naturally shy

or perhaps a combination of the above.

Keep talking to her, keep persisting. Trying IMing her or texting her (get her number!). She'll probably be more comfortable communicating that way and eventually be comfortable talking to you face to face as well.

I disagree with you, from what I am reading, she is on the fence with her decision.

Just ask her bro im pwetty sure she is since im a girl maybe shes just insecure and feels like U dont LIKE HER so just explain 2 her how u feel she rejects u move on with ur life easier said than done i know but hey im only 13 guud luckycharms!!!!!XDDDDD